You can see current standings here official site . Online right now is too much so its ok if you cant log on site.
P.S its very hard to change standings each minute so I'll try to change at least each 30 minutes
Kazakstan current standings :
Tekor — 0 attempts left ( Korganbaev Taimas ) with 134 points
Wansur — 3 attempts left ( Mamadahunov Mansur ) with 72 point
Vlad288 — 2 attempts left ( Nazar Serazitdinov ) with 56 points
Lokeo — 0 attemts left ( Van Li ) with 19 points
And current top 3
1 Siyuan Cheng CHN1 China 300
1 Langrui Qi CHN4 China 300
1 Tingqiang Xu CHN2 China 300
We wish best of luck for all the participants!
Good luck Kazakhstan!