Hello, Codeforces!
Riblji_Keksic and I are glad to invite you to Codeforces Round 911 (Div. 2), which will start on 26.11.2023 17:35 (Московское время). You will be given 6 problems and 2 hours to solve them.
The round will be rated for participants of Division 2 with a rating lower than 2100. Division 1 participants can participate unofficially.
All problems are invented and prepared by Riblji_Keksic and me.
Special thanks go to n0sk1ll and TimDee for their great work during the testing process of the round.
And of course, I would love to thank the people who made this round possible:
pashka for his great coordination of the round!
IgorI for helping host the round!
prvocislo, wxhtzdy, ntherner, satyam343, n0sk1ll, TimDee, wuhudsm, AlphaMale06, Blagoj, priyanshu.p, Acanikolic73, gubica, ognjentesic, VeljkoGalovic and repmann for testing the round and providing valuable feedback!
KAN for his contribution towards the round!
MikeMirzayanov and the team for the codeforces and polygon platforms!
You for participating!
We hope that you will participate and enjoy the round!
Score distribution will be announced soon.