Given n block numbered from 1 to n, you start at block 1 and want to reach block n. From block[i] you can move to block i + 1
or block i + 2. Each block has a colour c[i] associated with it. There are m colour, each colour has cost w[i]. At the start,
you decided to purchase a subset S of colour, the cost of which is the total w[i] of all i chosen. Find the minimum cost of such
subset S that you are able to go from 1 to n stepping on only blocks with a chosen color. (c[i] is in S)
8 8
6 4 1 5 2 8 4 2
19 15 13 10 3 9 13 13
Output: 37 (S is {2, 6, 4, 5})
N <= 3e5, M <= 40