Next year is my last chance for IOI and I wanna give my best to get there. I'm facing a few issues and want to ask for help.
1. I'm very bad at reasoning and proving basic mathematical problems/claims
I face a very hard time when facing mathematical problems regarding number theory and mathematics and their proofs. The only proof I know about is PROOF BY AC. other than that, I don't know anything but sometimes it isn't good. I think I need to develop it on mathematics side and if someone knows some sort of website like Codeforces where I can practice my proving skills a.k.a. basic practice for IMO please tell in comments. My goal is to NOT go to IMO but I think that would help a lot.
2. Need beginner friendly resource for OI practice where I can practice problems in ascending order of difficutly
My current practice rating on codeforces is 1600. I'm planning to solve the entire first page of problemset of 1600(in ascending order). I also wanna grind OI problems because they're quite different from cf problems. The only website I know is on which I find the problems very hard so I'd like if someone knows any website/cf group from where I can start from easy OI problems, please let me know in comments.
Additional info: for some reason I find USACO bronze very hard and I couldn't even solve a single problem in US Open so that's why I don't usually practice there.
I'm very serious about my dedication. Even though I have like 7-8 months for next year's IOI team selection, I'm ready to practice with full zeal and zest.
Thank you!