doubt related to solving a system of n linear equations using binary search.

Правка en2, от Ryan22oct, 2024-12-25 23:21:40

Hi friends,please help me solve this if you have some spare time :)




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here the array a is given and the constant m is also given,we have to find out the values of all the xi's in my approach i applied binary search on the value of x[n] lets suppose the assumed value of x[n]=mid then after solving the equation if i will get the value of x[n]>mid then i will reduce the mid,else increase the mid till the value of x[n] found out==mid...the problem here is that i have to find out an integral solution of the equations(if it exists) while solving the equations if some x[i] comes out to be a fractional value then we cannot proceed further with that value of if this happens then the current mid isnt a what should be the next mid value?increase/decrease or adjust it differently to converge to an integer solution(if it exists)?

last question:is there some other way in which this problem can be solved?


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en2 Английский Ryan22oct 2024-12-25 23:21:40 12
en1 Английский Ryan22oct 2024-12-25 23:19:33 1114 Initial revision (published)