7 Types of Competitive Programmers You’ll Meet

Revision en1, by VSS102292_MBinTariq, 2025-02-28 19:17:19

Salam Codeforces!

Salam Codeforces!

Salam Codeforces!

The reality of Coders

The Speedster

Solves A and B in five minutes. Spends the rest of the contest staring at C like it’s written in ancient Greek. Competitive programming is fun—until you realize you're stuck with some... interesting competitors. Which one are you?

The Debugging Monk

Submits a wrong answer, meditates for 30 minutes, finds a missing semicolon, and achieves enlightenment.

The Forum Philosopher

Doesn't solve problems but writes long posts on why Codeforces rating is flawed and how luck plays a bigger role than skill.

The Tutorial Addict

Reads editorials before even attempting the problem. Thinks understanding is the same as solving.

The Brute Force Warrior

Writes a 10^6 complexity solution, prays, and submits. Time limit exceeded? "Unfair constraints!"

The One-Test-Wonder

Gets AC on pretests, flexes in the chat, and fails on system tests harder than their last math exam.

The Rating-Obsessed

Cares more about rating than problem-solving. Would rather skip a contest than risk losing points.

The Moral of the Story Stop refreshing ratings, start solving problems, and maybe—just maybe—you’ll stop failing test case 3.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English VSS102292_MBinTariq 2025-02-28 19:17:19 1334 Initial revision (published)