An epic level difficulty in computational geometry, I wonder if anyone can provide some idea.
Difference between en5 and en6, changed 2 character(s)
   A topic that I have come up with, which I personally think is quite interesting, but###  its feasibility is unknown.↵

   Here is an arbitrary polygon, with each corner size ranging from 0 to 360 degrees. I hope you can find a strictly convex polygon that is completely contained within this polygon, so that the area of this convex polygon is maximized. You only need to calculate the value of this area.↵

 Of course, since I don't have any effective methods, and I can't determine which interval corresponds to the correct method for the number of points in this polygon. But I'll give you some pictures to understand the meaning of this question.↵

    If the two polygons given in this figure are assumed to be the same, then both extraction schemes for convex polygons may be optimal. Is there a universal construction algorithm or other technology that can solve this problem?↵


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en16 English Teatify 2025-03-02 21:15:55 272
en15 English Teatify 2025-03-02 21:13:39 96
en14 English Teatify 2025-03-02 21:11:38 0 (published)
en13 English Teatify 2025-03-02 21:10:25 225
en12 English Teatify 2025-03-02 21:05:50 227
en11 English Teatify 2025-03-02 21:03:51 1316
en10 English Teatify 2025-03-02 21:02:03 773
en9 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:53:04 86
en8 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:52:30 106
en7 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:50:10 4 Tiny change: 'sting, but### its feasi' -> 'sting, but its feasi' (saved to drafts)
en6 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:49:45 2
en5 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:49:14 0 (published)
en4 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:48:35 244
en3 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:42:52 18
en2 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:42:05 359
en1 English Teatify 2025-03-02 20:36:58 376 Initial revision (saved to drafts)