Revision en1, by rahulgandhi1970, 2025-03-10 20:25:14

I joined an organisation called CPHelper recently which leaks all codes first and rest of the leakers just buy from them and sell again. Before you start judging me and spam downvotes, let me be clear why I considered doing so.

Before that, CPHelper is an organisation which has a lot of CM and Master rated coders (even some famous ones you can't imagine) who write the solution and get paid for doing so (about 10k INR per code from C onwards). I wrote C today but poisoned it by using an unnecessary unordered_set in my implementation which passed all pretests. Now if the system tests have a that particular test case which uses hash for unordered sets all the C++ users who copied my solution will be hacked. It all depends on authors if they include that test case. Anyone who gets hacked by TLE on C is an evident cheater.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English rahulgandhi1970 2025-03-10 20:27:59 442
en1 English rahulgandhi1970 2025-03-10 20:25:14 869 Initial revision (published)