I have achieved my aim of hitting pupil! what now?

Revision en1, by OakLandLake, 2025-03-12 17:17:34

I started codeforces a year back and was very inconsistent with practicing as I was more focused on doing LeetCode style questions, and would struggle to get a good rank even if i solved 2 problems in div2 because of my speed. So i quit codeforces. Until all my friends started hitting pupil and i felt, if everybody can why can't I! So i created a new account 2 months back and knew if i could solve 2 div2 prob and 3 div3 prob in okaish time i will hit it as the first 5-6 contest gives you higher rating and eventually I did hit it after the results of round 1009 div3, but what is to be done now? I don't think I am a consistent pupil so i might just get down in the next contest, also i dont have any fascination of reaching specialist so i won't worry if i just stay in this green region for long!!


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English OakLandLake 2025-03-12 17:17:34 855 Initial revision (published)