### 中文版本↵
请继续使用那永远只拦截人类的 Codeloudflare,继续不分青红皂白地封禁用户,一直用那垃圾服务器玩原神。↵
在您的管理下,Codeforce 将会像我的 OI 生涯一样成功!祝好运!↵
如果你删除了这条博客或者封禁了我,那么全世界都会看到 Codeforce 的腐朽!Codeforces 将会臭名昭著!↵
### English Version ↵
Hello MikeMirzayanov!↵
Please continue to use that Codeloudflare that only ever blocks humans, continue to indiscriminately block users, and keep playing Genshin Impact with that garbage server.↵
Under your management Codeforce will be as successful as my OI career! Good luck!↵
Codeforces will be infamous if you delete this blog or ban me, then the whole world will see the rot of Codeforce!↵
请继续使用那永远只拦截人类的 C
在您的管理下,Codeforce 将会像我的 OI 生涯一样成功!祝好运!↵
如果你删除了这条博客或者封禁了我,那么全世界都会看到 Codeforce 的腐朽!Codeforces 将会臭名昭著!↵
### English Version ↵
Hello MikeMirzayanov!↵
Please continue to use that C
Under your management Codeforce will be as successful as my OI career! Good luck!↵
Codeforces will be infamous if you delete this blog or ban me, then the whole world will see the rot of Codeforce!↵