rembocoder's blog

By rembocoder, history, 2 years ago, translation, In English

Suppose you want to know this sum for some n and k:

Here are the well known formulas for the first several k:

But suppose you forgot them. What to do? Luckily, there is an easy algorithm to generate those formulas.

First of all, let's prove a theorem.


Suppose for every integer non-negative n:

where f and g are polynoms. Then for some constant c:


For every positive integer n:

These two polynoms are equal in an infinite number of points, which means that they are identical. Which allows us to say:


Let's say we want to find the formula for the sum of squares. Then using our theorem we can create such an algorithm:

Now let's run the same algorithm to find the formula for the sum of cubes:

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2 years ago, # |
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I hope the technique has already discussed in the very beginning chapter of Knuth's Concrete Math book.

2 years ago, # |
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2 years ago, # |
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Maybe the easier and more direct way (if you want to do it for all $$$k$$$ up to some limit) would be to notice that

$$$ g_k(n) - g_{k}(n-1) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n [i^k - (i-1)^k] = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \sum\limits_{j=1}^{k} \binom{k}{j} (-1)^{j+1} i^{k-j} $$$

But on the other hand, it's also $$$g_k(n) - g_k(n-1) = n^k$$$, hence we get the recurrence

$$$ k g_{k-1}(n) = n^k + \sum\limits_{j=2}^k \binom{k}{j} (-1)^j g_{k-j}(n), $$$

or, for $$$g_k(n)$$$, it would be

$$$ g_k(n) = \frac{1}{k+1} \left[n^{k+1} + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{k} \binom{k+1}{j+1} (-1)^{j+1} g_{k-j}(n)\right] $$$

starting with $$$g_0(n) = n$$$.


$$$\begin{gather} g_1(n) &=& \frac{1}{2} \left[n^2 + \binom{2}{2} g_0(n)\right] &=& \frac{n(n+1)}{2}, \\ g_2(n) &=& \frac{1}{3} \left[n^3 + \binom{3}{2} g_1(n) - \binom{3}{3} g_0(n)\right] &=& \frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}, \\ g_3(n) &=& \frac{1}{4} \left[n^4 + \binom{4}{2} g_2(n) - \binom{4}{3} g_1(n) + \binom{4}{4} g_0(n)\right] &=& \frac{n^2 (n+1)^2}{4}. \end{gather}$$$
2 years ago, # |
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Also I think it would be nice to write down the algorithm from the blog in generic form for arbitrary $$$k$$$:

$$$\begin{gather} g_k(n) = \sum\limits_{t=1}^n t^k \\ g_k'(n) = c + \sum\limits_{t=1}^n k t^{k-1} = c + k g_{k-1}(n) \end{gather}$$$

From this, one gets

$$$ g_k(n) = cn + k \int g_{k-1}(n) dn, $$$

where $$$c$$$ is picked in a way that guarantees that $$$g_k(1) = 1$$$, that is

$$$ c = 1 - k \int g_{k-1}(n) dn \bigg|_{n=1}, $$$

and the free constant $$$c'$$$ that would appear from integration should be $$$c'=0$$$, as $$$g_k(0)=0$$$.

Compared to the scheme I described above, it's probably beneficial for larger $$$k$$$, as it allows to find it in $$$O(k)$$$ per term, rather than $$$O(k^2)$$$. I wonder if there is a more explicit formula for $$$c$$$...

3 hours ago, # |
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We can easily generate the formula for the sum of the k-th powers in code using these formulas.

// mint is a type for modular arithmetic.
vector<vector<mint>> S_i(MAX_K + 1);
S_i[0] = { 0, 1 };
for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_K; i++) {
    S_i[i] = vector<mint>(i + 2);
    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
        S_i[i][j + 1] = i * S_i[i - 1][j] / (j + 1);

    // c'' is always 0, so we only need to calculate c'.
    mint sum;
    for (int j = 2; j <= i + 1; j++) sum += S_i[i][j];
    S_i[i][1] = 1 - sum;

1 2 3 4 5
1 3 6 10 15
1 5 14 30 55
1 9 36 100 225
1 17 98 354 979

Here's a problem where this is useful (my submission).