Hi there!↵
I've made a [simple tool for graph vizualization](http://mxwell.github.io/draw-graph/), that might be helpful in problems solving. The idea was to make something that could be used as easy as just copy-paste from input examples into the tool.↵
It's built on top of Google's Image Charts. Though service is [deprecated](https://developers.google.com/chart/image/?hl=en) currently, it works fine. Thanks to Google.↵
**How to use**: one of common ways to represent a graph is edges, described on separate lines with their endpoints and possibly some label (weight, cost, etc).↵
So all you need is to input these lines into the text area and press the button. Try it with these lines:↵
1 3 10↵
2 4 11↵
5 4 10↵
3 5 12↵
1 6 10↵
6 5 12↵
Is that easy?↵
You can also:↵
- comment out some lines with `#`;↵
- set checkbox to ignore the first line, that usually contains number of nodes or some other data;↵
- not show labels;↵
- plot a directed graph;↵
- **UPD** share link to a plotted graph, like [this](http://mxwell.github.io/draw-graph/?q=digraph%7B1-%3E2;1-%3E3;1-%3E4;2-%3E3;3-%3E4;4-%3E2;4-%3E5%7D).↵
*Thanks to [user:homo_sapiens,2015-11-24] for review of the tool.*
I've made a [simple tool for graph vizualization](http://mxwell.github.io/draw-graph/), that might be helpful in problems solving. The idea was to make something that could be used as easy as just copy-paste from input examples into the tool.↵
It's built on top of Google's Image Charts. Though service is [deprecated](https://developers.google.com/chart/image/?hl=en) currently, it works fine. Thanks to Google.↵
**How to use**: one of common ways to represent a graph is edges, described on separate lines with their endpoints and possibly some label (weight, cost, etc).↵
So all you need is to input these lines into the text area and press the button. Try it with these lines:↵
1 3 10↵
2 4 11↵
5 4 10↵
3 5 12↵
1 6 10↵
6 5 12↵
Is that easy?↵
You can also:↵
- comment out some lines with `#`;↵
- set checkbox to ignore the first line, that usually contains number of nodes or some other data;↵
- not show labels;↵
- plot a directed graph;↵
- **UPD** share link to a plotted graph, like [this](http://mxwell.github.io/draw-graph/?q=digraph%7B1-%3E2;1-%3E3;1-%3E4;2-%3E3;3-%3E4;4-%3E2;4-%3E5%7D).↵
*Thanks to [user:homo_sapiens,2015-11-24] for review of the tool.*