Here are some statistics about 2015. I'm glad to see our growth. Frankly, each year I'm afraid to see that we stop to grow, but each year I see 20-50% growth! Thank you for your interest :-)

Growth of registerations. This year we overcame 300K users!

Counted only participated in rated events in period July-December.
Previous year I included TopCoder statistics here, but now it is even
somehow uncomfortable because of 5534 topcoder active users.

You become more and more active! Keep up the good work!

All blog posts, having at least +5 votes, having at least +20 votes.

All blog posts, having at least +5 votes. Yes, many trash comments in 2011.

Run, India, run!

Pageviews, about +45% in 2015!

Visits, about +45% in 2015!

Visitors, about +45% in 2015!