I have been thinking of an algorithm which could find the **Sum Of Maximum's of all contigous sub-arrays of length k of a given Array.** for each k from 1 to n , seperatly.↵
n is the length of the array.↵
I am able to figure out an O(N^2) solution.↵
But could not reduce the complexity further.↵
It would be helpful if someone could tell a sub-quadratic approach.(Possibly O(n) ).↵
This is in reference to [THISthis](www.spoj.com/problems/MAXI) problem.↵
Any help is appreciated.↵
Thanks :)
n is the length of the array.↵
I am able to figure out an O(N^2) solution.↵
But could not reduce the complexity further.↵
It would be helpful if someone could tell a sub-quadratic approach.(Possibly O(n) ).↵
This is in reference to [
Any help is appreciated.↵
Thanks :)