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Egor's blog

By Egor, history, 4 months ago, In English

There is a new version of rust helper, that has new features as well as some reorganization of how it works. Please refer to the changelog for what you are needing to do to update your project to work with it, a new version of the example project is currently under review and should be merged shortly.

What's new:

  • Autosubmit. Currently supported sites are codeforces*, atcoder, hackerrank, yukicoder, kattis and dmoj. Most of it done through third-party tools and scripts, if you know any more such CLI tools, feel free to mention them in the comments below.
  • Copy to clipboard. For sites that are not supported with autosubmit code instead is copied to the clipboard for ease of submitting.
  • Support for importing enum variants and code written in lib/mod files. This should make inlining code from crates not specifically written with using this tool in mind much easier.
  • If you reimport a task that you already imported (and had not yet archived), it should open that task so you would not have to search it.
  • Separate folder for tasks so that it won't be lost between libs, archives, templates etc.
  • Archiving system that should require much fewer keyboard inputs for usual workflows.

Thanks a lot to qwerty787788 for helping with this.

*Codeforces autosubmit currently not working due to cloudflare. If you know any working CLI tool — let me know

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4 months ago, # |
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C++ helper when?

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    4 months ago, # ^ |
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    I do not see making it as I do not use C++ for competitive programming myself. There should be enough of tools for it, though