- 13:00 : The scoreboard is close.↵
- 12:55 : It Seems that THU Deep Dark Fantasy is working on the Geometry problem. They are very close with the right solution, but currently failed on the sample. SJTU Absolute Weapon* is working on problem J, and everything looks right but failed on the sample too.↵
- 11:41 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem J.↵
- 11:07 : [user:TooDifficuIt,2016-12-11] is working on implement a network flow, seems that they are on problem J. [[pic.](]↵
- 11:01 : Joke, some team use a function named "fxxk" during the livetream. [[pic.](]↵
- 10:50 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve G and F, they are still 2 problems ahead.↵
- 10:36 : UESTC Life Lemon solve problem E with 1Y.↵
- 10:34 : SJTU Absolute Weapon* solve problem B.↵
- 10:23 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem C at their second submit, they are 2 problems ahead.↵
- 10:17 : XJTU Peach solve problem F, only 3 problems remain unsolved at this moment, a.k.a, a Geometry, a Flow and a Math while the top team only solve 5 of them.↵
- 10:16 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy get their first WA during the contest on problem C. ↵
- 10:07 : HDU First Team solve problem G.↵
- 10:00 : SJTU Lunatic solve problem B, and here comes the [1 hour scoreboard](↵
- 09:48 : THU Come to Dad solve problem C.↵
- 09:45 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem E with 1Y, they are leading the board.↵
- 09:41 : [China-Final-2016.pdf](↵
- 09:21 : SJTU Absolute Weapon* solve problem H, they use a better solution than us.↵
- 09:19 : SJTU Lunatic start to submit problem E, unfortunately, they get a WA.↵
- 09:18 : The pdf of the problem-set will be release about 1 hour later.↵
- 09:12 : SJTU Lunatic solve problem D.↵
- 09:09 : BNU Salty Fish solve problem L.↵
- 09:02 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem A. ↵
- Dec 11th 09:00 GTM+8: The contest is start!↵
- Dec 10th 15:45 GTM+8: The warm-up is start!↵
- Official Website: [](↵
- Live Stream: [](↵
- Score Board: [](↵
Hello, Codeforces.↵
ACM/ICPC China Final 2016 is going to start on this weekends.↵
Over 300 teams will go to Shanghai University to participate in this contest to complete for the slot of qualifying to the World Final next year. There is no doubt that this will be the most important contest in China this year.↵
Good luck!
- 13:00 : The scoreboard is close.↵
- 12:55 : It Seems that THU Deep Dark Fantasy is working on the Geometry problem. They are very close with the right solution, but currently failed on the sample. SJTU Absolute Weapon* is working on problem J, and everything looks right but failed on the sample too.↵
- 11:41 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem J.↵
- 11:07 : [user:TooDifficuIt,2016-12-11] is working on implement a network flow, seems that they are on problem J. [[pic.](]↵
- 11:01 : Joke, some team use a function named "fxxk" during the livetream. [[pic.](]↵
- 10:50 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve G and F, they are still 2 problems ahead.↵
- 10:36 : UESTC Life Lemon solve problem E with 1Y.↵
- 10:34 : SJTU Absolute Weapon* solve problem B.↵
- 10:23 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem C at their second submit, they are 2 problems ahead.↵
- 10:17 : XJTU Peach solve problem F, only 3 problems remain unsolved at this moment, a.k.a, a Geometry, a Flow and a Math while the top team only solve 5 of them.↵
- 10:16 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy get their first WA during the contest on problem C. ↵
- 10:07 : HDU First Team solve problem G.↵
- 10:00 : SJTU Lunatic solve problem B, and here comes the [1 hour scoreboard](↵
- 09:48 : THU Come to Dad solve problem C.↵
- 09:45 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem E with 1Y, they are leading the board.↵
- 09:41 : [China-Final-2016.pdf](↵
- 09:21 : SJTU Absolute Weapon* solve problem H, they use a better solution than us.↵
- 09:19 : SJTU Lunatic start to submit problem E, unfortunately, they get a WA.↵
- 09:18 : The pdf of the problem-set will be release about 1 hour later.↵
- 09:12 : SJTU Lunatic solve problem D.↵
- 09:09 : BNU Salty Fish solve problem L.↵
- 09:02 : THU Deep Dark Fantasy solve problem A. ↵
- Dec 11th 09:00 GTM+8: The contest is start!↵
- Dec 10th 15:45 GTM+8: The warm-up is start!↵
- Official Website: [](↵
- Live Stream: [](↵
- Score Board: [](↵
Hello, Codeforces.↵
ACM/ICPC China Final 2016 is going to start on this weekends.↵
Over 300 teams will go to Shanghai University to participate in this contest to complete for the slot of qualifying to the World Final next year. There is no doubt that this will be the most important contest in China this year.↵
Good luck!