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Google Code Jam C++ Parallelization Template (Linux)

Правка en1, от LiChenKoh, 2017-05-13 23:12:40

After a long and arduous search, I was not able to find a Google Code Jam template that fulfilled the following properties:
1. Written in C++
2. Parallelizes test cases
3. Executes each test case in a separate process so I don't have to re-initialize global variables after each test case.

I decided to write my own template below.

The boilerplate template code below solves the following sample problem:
You are given the number of test cases T
You are given an integer n, followed by n integers a_i.
Please output the sum of the n integers as "Case #TEST_CASE_NUMBER: SUM".

Instructions: Step 1: In int main(), modify the custom code to read one test case from stdin, and output to a file with filename returned from the function getinputfilename(testnum)
Step 2: Write your code in mainsolve(). It should read its input from the file with filename passed in as testcasein and write to a file with filename testcaseout.
Step 3: Compile and run with no arguments. Pass test data into stdin. Results are passed to stdout.
Step 4: If test case X is wrong, run the executable with X as its only argument, where X is some positive integer.
To modify the input test case, look for testcaseinX.
Step 5: If you modify the original test file, be sure to run the executable with no arguments to regenerate the partitioned input files.

Note 1: Your code does not have to clear global state for each test case. Each test case is run in a brand new process.
Note 2: I've only tested this code under Linux. It most probably works on Mac too, once you've replaced "bits/stdc++.h" with the standard headers. For Windows, you probably have to replace the fork() and system() pattern with CreateProcess.
Note 3: Please suggest improvements and help report bugs/races in the code! I randomly cobbled this code together from Stackoverflow and the template generated by the TesterDream Topcoder plugin. This was done mostly in a fit of blind rage after today's round, where I failed to clear global state properly after each test case, so I cannot attest the the quality of this code.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
extern char **environ;
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define MOD 1000000007LL
#define endl "\n"
#define fst first
#define snd second
const ll UNDEF = -1;
const ll INF=1LL<<61;
template<typename T> inline bool chkmax(T &aa, T bb) { return aa < bb ? aa = bb, true : false; }
template<typename T> inline bool chkmin(T &aa, T bb) { return aa > bb ? aa = bb, true : false; }
typedef pair<ll,ll> pll;
typedef vector<ll> vll;
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
This solves the following problem:
You are given the number of test cases T
You are given an integer n, followed by n integers a_i.
Please output the sum of the n integers as "Case #TEST_CASE_NUMBER: SUM\n".

Step 1: In int main(), modify the custom code to read one test case from stdin, and output to a file named getinputfilename(testnum)
Step 2: Write your code in mainsolve(). It should read its input from the file with filename passed in as testcasein and write to
a file with filename testcaseout.
Step 3: Compile and run with no arguments. Pass test data into stdin. Results are passed to stdout.
Step 4: If test case X is wrong, run the executable with X as its only argument, where X is some positive integer.
To modify the input test case, look for testcaseinX.
Step 5: If you modify the original test file, be sure to run the executable with no arguments to regenerate the partitioned input files.

Notes: Your code does not have to clear global state for each test case. Each test case is run in a brand new process.

ll global_state=0;
int mainsolve(string testcasein, string testcaseout, int testnum)
	// Solve a test case from the file named testcasein, and writes answer to the file named testcaseout
	std::ifstream ifs(testcasein.c_str(),std::ifstream::in);
	FILE *fout;
	// Make debugging individual test case easier: Pipe answers to stdout
	if (testcaseout==STDOUT_RESERVED) fout = stdout;
	else fout=fopen(testcaseout.c_str(),"wb");
	ll n; ifs>>n;
	ll sum=0;
	for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {ll x; ifs>>x; sum+=x;}
	fprintf(fout, "Case #%d: %lld\n",testnum,sum);

	// Test that global state is never dirty.
	ll DIRTY = 1;
	// Test parallelization
	// sleep(1);

const int MAX_NUM_PROCESSES = 4;

string getinputfilename(int testnum) {
	ostringstream testcasein; testcasein<<"testcasein"<<testnum;
	return testcasein.str();
string getoutputfilename(int testnum) {
	ostringstream testcaseout; testcaseout<<"testcaseout"<<testnum;
	return testcaseout.str();

void wait_for_running_children_to_be_under_limit(set<pid_t> &running_child_pids, int limit) {
	while(running_child_pids.size() > limit) {
		for (auto &ChildPID:running_child_pids) {
			int status;
			pid_t result = waitpid(ChildPID, &status, WNOHANG);
			if (result == 0) {
			  // Child still alive
			} else if (result == -1) {
			  // Error 
			  cerr<<"waitpid error"<<endl; assert(0);
			} else {
			  // Child exited
			  if (status!=0) {
			  	cerr<<"Child returned nonzero status."<<endl; assert(0);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	If no arguments are passed, then please pass full data set into stdin
	If one argument is passed, that argument should be the test case number. It will read from getinputfilename(testnum)
	and write to getoutputfilename(testnum). Usually, you first run this with no arguments to populate all the input files,
	then you pass in the test case number as the argument to debug this particular test case.
	ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
	set<pid_t> running_child_pids;
	if (argc == 1)
		int number_of_test_cases; cin>>number_of_test_cases;
		for (int testnum=1;testnum<=number_of_test_cases;testnum++) {
			/* FILL THIS CUSTOM CODE IN! Read one test case, and output to a file named getinputfilename(testnum)*/
			ll n;
			vector<ll> tmp;
			for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {ll x; cin>>x; tmp.PB(x);}
			FILE *fp = fopen(getinputfilename(testnum).c_str(),"wb");
			fprintf(fp, "%lld\n",n);
			for (auto &w:tmp) {
				fprintf(fp, "%lld ",w);
			fprintf(fp, "\n");
			/* End custom code! */

			// Execute child process with test case number as its only argument, plus one additional dummy argument
			ostringstream childCommandLine; childCommandLine << argv[0] << " " << testnum << " 0";
			pid_t pid=fork();
			int exitCode,status;
			switch(pid) {
				case -1:
					cerr<<"Fork failed"<<endl; assert(0);
					return 0;
				case 0:
					Start a new process by running this executable with the test case number as its only argument.
					exitCode = system(childCommandLine.str().c_str());
					if (exitCode!=0) {
						cerr<<"Runtime error"<<endl;
					return 0;
					// Parent process. Continue execution below.
			wait_for_running_children_to_be_under_limit(running_child_pids, MAX_NUM_PROCESSES);
		// Wait for processes to finish executing
		wait_for_running_children_to_be_under_limit(running_child_pids, 0);

		for (int testnum=1;testnum<=number_of_test_cases;testnum++) {
			std::ifstream ifs(getoutputfilename(testnum).c_str(),std::ifstream::in);
			string str;
			while(getline(ifs,str)) {
				if (ifs.bad()) {cerr<<"ifs bad"<<endl; assert(0);}
				if (ifs.eof()) break;
	else {
		int testnum; istringstream(argv[1]) >> testnum;
		ostringstream testcasein; testcasein<<"testcasein"<<testnum;
		ostringstream testcaseout; testcaseout<<"testcaseout"<<testnum;
		// If only testnum is passed, then print results to stdout for debugging.
		if (argc==2) mainsolve(getinputfilename(testnum), STDOUT_RESERVED, testnum);
		else mainsolve(getinputfilename(testnum),getoutputfilename(testnum), testnum);


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en3 Английский LiChenKoh 2017-05-14 00:40:23 57 Fix typos
en2 Английский LiChenKoh 2017-05-14 00:37:39 2719 Refactor code so it's easier to modify the custom portions, update instructions
en1 Английский LiChenKoh 2017-05-13 23:12:40 8474 Initial revision (published)