[Gordian Knot](http://simplernow.com/redirects/gk.php/) is a _Project Euler_ styled contest that challenges you to untangle the intricate enigmas of mathematics. Feel free to deploy your programming skills to make your life easy. Variety of problem set is slightly different from typical Project Euler styled contests, so we hope that you find the problem set crisp and enjoyable :)↵
Gordian Knot belongs to same chain of technical events called **Threads**, which recently organized : **Codecraft** (on codeforces) & **Fool's programming** (on codechef). You can follow [Threads blog](http://simplernow.com/redirects/threads.php/) on Quora too, on which we will be adding more articles soon. Presently, we have a unique system design contest called '[SysCraft](http://simplernow.com/redirects/sys.php/)' running and '[Kings of Machine Learning](http://simplernow.com/redirects/koml.php)' lined up too.↵
Contest Link : https://felicity.iiit.ac.in/threads/gordian-knot/ <br>↵
Start Date : [25th January , 08:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=25&month=1&year=2018&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&p1=505&msg=Gordian+Knot) <br>↵
Duration : 24 hours <br>↵
Prizes : T-shirts for Indian residents in top 20<br>↵
NOTE : ↵
- We will release **short editorial** for 5 most popular problems.↵
- You can ask for hints here if you are stuck on some problems, during last few hours we will provide hints on selected problems. Others strictly refrain from discussing/commenting about problems or posting hints/solutions.↵
So, can you solve 24 problems in 24 hours? (We have extra bonus problems) <br>↵
Get your maths and programming skills brushed up by taking on our challenge and grab one of **20 T-shirts** :)↵
— Problem statements for P6,10,12,13 have been simplified. Please re-check.↵
Gordian Knot belongs to same chain of technical events called **Threads**, which recently organized : **Codecraft** (on codeforces) & **Fool's programming** (on codechef). You can follow [Threads blog](http://simplernow.com/redirects/threads.php/) on Quora too, on which we will be adding more articles soon. Presently, we have a unique system design contest called '[SysCraft](http://simplernow.com/redirects/sys.php/)' running and '[Kings of Machine Learning](http://simplernow.com/redirects/koml.php)' lined up too.↵
Contest Link : https://felicity.iiit.ac.in/threads/gordian-knot/ <br>↵
Start Date : [25th January , 08:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=25&month=1&year=2018&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&p1=505&msg=Gordian+Knot) <br>↵
Duration : 24 hours <br>↵
Prizes : T-shirts for Indian residents in top 20<br>↵
NOTE : ↵
- We will release **short editorial** for 5 most popular problems.↵
- You can ask for hints here if you are stuck on some problems, during last few hours we will provide hints on selected problems. Others strictly refrain from discussing/commenting about problems or posting hints/solutions.↵
So, can you solve 24 problems in 24 hours? (We have extra bonus problems) <br>↵
Get your maths and programming skills brushed up by taking on our challenge and grab one of **20 T-shirts** :)↵
— Problem statements for P6,10,12,13 have been simplified. Please re-check.↵