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About a general reader / writer for STL-Structures,

Правка en4, от Arturgo, 2019-11-01 14:05:22

Hi everybody,

I started to implement very general functions to use in programming competitions, such as this general reader/writer for C++ tuple, containers, and basic types~:

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_tuple = false;

template<typename ... types>
constexpr bool is_tuple<tuple<types...>> = true;

template<typename A, typename B>
constexpr bool is_tuple<pair<A, B>> = true;

template<typename T> struct IsContainer { 
	typedef typename remove_const<T>::type test_type;
	template<typename A> static constexpr bool test(A* pt, decltype(pt->begin())* = nullptr, decltype(pt->end())* = nullptr) 
	{ return is_same<decltype(pt->begin()),typename A::iterator>::value && is_same<decltype(pt->end()),typename A::iterator>::value; }
	template<typename A> static constexpr bool test(...) { return false; }
	static constexpr bool value = test<test_type>(nullptr);

template<typename T>
constexpr bool is_container = IsContainer<T>::value;

template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_string = is_same<T, string>::value;

struct to_mutable { };

template<typename... Ts>
struct to_mutable<tuple<Ts...>> {
    using type = tuple<typename remove_cv<Ts>::type...>;

template<typename... Ts>
struct to_mutable<pair<Ts...>> {
    using type = pair<typename remove_cv<Ts>::type...>;

string readline() { string value; getline(cin, value); return value; }

template<typename T, typename ...Args> typename enable_if<!is_tuple<T> && (!is_container<T> || is_string<T>), T>::type read() {
	T value;
	cin >> value;
	return value;

template<typename T, typename ...Args> typename enable_if<is_tuple<T>, T>::type read(Args ...args);

template<typename T, typename ...Args> typename enable_if<is_container<T>, T>::type read(size_t N, Args... args) { 
	T container;
	for(size_t i = 0;i < N;i++) { 
		*inserter(container, container.end()) = read<typename T::value_type>(args...);
	return container;

template<typename T> typename enable_if<is_container<T> && !is_string<T>, T>::type read() { 
	size_t N = read<size_t>();
	return read<T>(N);

template<typename X, size_t I = 0, typename ...Args, typename enable_if<is_tuple<X>, X>::type* = nullptr>
typename enable_if<I == tuple_size<X>::value, typename to_mutable<X>::type>::type read_tuple(Args... args) { return typename to_mutable<X>::type(); }

template<typename X, size_t I = 0, typename ...Args, typename enable_if<is_tuple<X>, X>::type* = nullptr>
typename enable_if<I < tuple_size<X>::value, typename to_mutable<X>::type>::type read_tuple(Args... args) {
	auto tmp = read<typename tuple_element<I, typename to_mutable<X>::type>::type>(args...);
	typename to_mutable<X>::type value = read_tuple<X, I + 1>(args...);
	get<I>(value) = tmp;
	return value;

template<typename T, typename ...Args> typename enable_if<is_tuple<T>, T>::type read(Args... args) { return read_tuple<T>(args...); }

void flush() { cout << flush; }

void writesp() { cout << " "; }
void writeln() { cout << "\n"; }

template<typename T> void writesp(const T& value);
template<typename T> void writeln(const T& value);

template<typename T, typename enable_if<!is_container<T> && !is_tuple<T>, T>::type* = nullptr> 
void write(const T& value) { cout << value; }
void write(const string& value) { cout << value; }
void write(const char* value) { cout << value; }

template<typename T, typename enable_if<is_container<T>, T>::type* = nullptr> void writerow(const T& value) { 
	typedef typename T::const_iterator It; 
	for(It it = value.begin();it != value.end();it++) { writesp(*it); }

template<size_t I = 0, typename X, typename enable_if<is_tuple<X>, X>::type* = nullptr>
typename enable_if<I == tuple_size<X>::value, void>::type writerow(const X& t) {}
template<size_t I = 0, typename X, typename enable_if<is_tuple<X>, X>::type* = nullptr>
typename enable_if<I < tuple_size<X>::value, void>::type writerow(const X& t) { writesp(get<I>(t)); writerow<I + 1>(t); }

template<typename T, typename enable_if<is_container<T>, T>::type* = nullptr> void writecol(const T& value) { 
	typedef typename T::const_iterator It; 
	for(It it = value.begin();it != value.end();it++) { writeln(*it); }

template<size_t I = 0, typename X, typename enable_if<is_tuple<X>, X>::type* = nullptr>
typename enable_if<I == tuple_size<X>::value, void>::type writecol(const X& t) {}
template<size_t I = 0, typename X, typename enable_if<is_tuple<X>, X>::type* = nullptr>
typename enable_if<I < tuple_size<X>::value, void>::type writecol(const X& t) { writesp(get<I>(t)); writerow<I + 1>(t); }

template<typename T, typename enable_if<!is_container<typename T::value_type> && !is_tuple<typename T::value_type>, T>::type* = nullptr> void write(const T& value) { writerow(value); }
template<typename T, typename enable_if<is_tuple<T>, T>::type* = nullptr> void write(const T& value) { writerow(value); }

template<typename T> void write2d(const T& value) {
	typedef typename T::const_iterator It; 
	for(It it = value.begin();it != value.end();it++) { writeln(*it); }

template<typename T, typename enable_if<is_container<typename T::value_type>, T>::type* = nullptr> void write(const T& value) { write2d(value); }
template<typename T, typename enable_if<is_tuple<typename T::value_type>, T>::type* = nullptr> void write(const T& value) { write2d(value); }

template<typename T> void writesp(const T& value) { write(value); writesp(); }
template<typename T> void writeln(const T& value) { write(value); writeln(); }

void fast_io() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); }

int main() {

	int nbRows = read<int>(), nbCols = read<int>();
	auto grid = read<vector<vector<int>>>(nbRows, nbCols);

	return 0;

The final goal is to write the minimum amount of code to describe an algorithm to the machine, by having a big library of algorithms I can use. I have a little tool that selects in the final code only the parts I need.

To use write, it is sufficient to call it with your variable. If you want to print a newline, or a space at the end, use writeln or writesp.

To use read, give the type you want to read between < and >. If you want to read a container (a STL-structure with begin() and end()), you can give sizes to the function, otherwise it'll read the size from the standard input.

This code works with many types, for examples, map<string, vector<pair<int, double>>>, but be aware that some structures (like priority_queue) aren't supported because they don't have begin() or end(). Keep also in mind that if you give sizes as arguments to your functions, they will be interpreted by order of depth in the template definition, but things like pair<vector<int>, vector<int>> will not work with given (different) sizes.

If enough people are interested in such implementations, I'll continue to publish them on my blog. If you find any bug, or if you think another structure should be able to be read/written, please leave a comment.

Thank you for reading.


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en6 Английский Arturgo 2019-11-04 23:22:36 0 (published)
en5 Английский Arturgo 2019-11-03 14:42:03 437 (saved to drafts)
en4 Английский Arturgo 2019-11-01 14:05:22 13 Tiny change: 'Thank you !' -> 'Thank you for reading.' (published)
en3 Английский Arturgo 2019-11-01 14:04:49 82
en2 Английский Arturgo 2019-11-01 13:57:47 585
en1 Английский Arturgo 2019-11-01 13:45:15 7096 Initial revision (saved to drafts)