My friend one_punch recently shared a Google foobar challenge referral with me. I've completed most levels of it and really liked few of those questions. (We can talk more on questions separately). Now, I myself have two more referrals to invite others.
I have come up with idea that interested people (cf users) can fill up a form, so I could have a list of interested peoples. I'd sort the list in decreasing order of rating and one by one invite most of them.
With only two referrals, how can I invite everyone? After I send a referral to someone (on list), that person would send me one (new) referral back and I will again be left with two referrals again and this can keep going on until the list is exhausted or someone doesn't sends back a referral.
Something about challenge:
Total levels : 5
Total questions : 1+2+3+2+1
Language : Java/ Python (2.7 yes,it sucks!)
A referral is given after completing of level 2 and level 4.
After completing level 3, you'll be asked for your details to share with a recruiter.
Please fill up this form before May 1, 12p.m. IST.
P.S. If anyone has any suggestion to make, you're welcome:)