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Few queries ! how to approach (offline practice) ?

Revision en2, by Ashraf_OneSeven4, 2020-08-15 12:53:49

Agree or disagree , plz put your valuable comment :D

1) im not participating contest for a while , my goal is to solve as many quality problems as i can solve ,learn new topic unless i faced to learn . i found not efficient to participating contest unless i solve huge range of quality problems . another reason is to not being rating oriented before learning required things . i observe many red coders they hardly participate in contest like once 1 month .

2) my practice is fully based on cf due to good editorials , im aware of that cf focuses on observation skill . i want to solve at least 100 problems for per range , like 100 problems range (1600-1700) , 100 for (1700-1800) upto 2000 . then switch to different oj like codechef,at coder etc , Its a good approach ????

3) i found that only dp and graph is enough to be a purple . i learnt a lot algo in Your title here last 2 years , but my observation skill sucks .so i focus on prbs like constructive algo as well as graph and dp . currently i'm not learning completely new topics . i only learn new topics unless i would face that kind of problem to solve during contest . is this good way ??


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English Ashraf_OneSeven4 2020-08-15 16:33:21 0 (published)
en2 English Ashraf_OneSeven4 2020-08-15 12:53:49 49 (saved to drafts)
en1 English Ashraf_OneSeven4 2020-08-15 12:51:01 1227 Initial revision (published)