Problem related to Euler Toitent Property

Правка en1, от Evan_Shareef, 2020-08-30 08:40:55

I found this blog extremely helpful . But I can't understand one line. If anyone summarize it to me then it would be helpful. It says ,

"How many values i can we put such that gcd(i,n)=d? There are ϕ(n/d) possible values of i for which we get gcd(i,n)=d. "

My question is how we can conclude this that ; number of possible pairs for any i with n where gcd(i,n) = d will be phi(n/d) ? Can anyone explain it ? Or suggest some blog that can actually help me to understand the concept.

Thanks in advance


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en1 Английский Evan_Shareef 2020-08-30 08:40:55 602 Initial revision (published)