**Invitation to Codelicious'21**↵
Hello Codeforces!<br>↵
“Craving for tasty algorithmic programming problems?”<br>↵
With no language barrier, **Codelicious'21** is a Competitive Programming event that will be conducted globally. With tasty and tricky questions, **Codelicous'21** will surely satiate your hunger for good quality algorithmic programming problems.<br>↵
I, on behalf of **PICT ACM Student Chapter (PASC)** would like to invite you all to [Codelicious'21](https://www.codechef.com/CODL2021).<br> We have a huge prize pool of **400 USD (30,000 INR)** for **top 2 Global** and **top 2 Indian participants**.<br>↵
**Contest Details:**↵
<li> Contest Link: [https://www.codechef.com/CODL2021](https://www.codechef.com/CODL2021)</li>↵
<li> Contest Date: [5 March 2021, 21:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210305T21&p1=1038&ah=2)</li>↵
<li> Registration Form: [Here](https://forms.gle/VqZ71LZ4wXAP7xSa9)</li>↵
Please register via the google form to be eligible for the prizes.<br>↵
**Global Prizes:**↵
<li>Rank 1 from leaderboard: **175 USD**</li>↵
<li>Rank 2 from leaderboard: **100 USD**</li>↵
**Indian Prizes:**↵
<li>Rank 1: **6000 INR**</li>↵
<li>Rank 2: **4000 INR**</li>↵
Good luck to everyone, hope to see you all on the leaderboard!<br><br>↵
Also note: <br>↵
- Prizes are inclusive of all taxes.<br>↵
- Prizes are subject to change under unavoidable circumstances.<br>↵
- Management is not responsible for the change in the pool.<br>↵
- Final decision lies in the hands of the organizers.<br>↵
- In case any country has any restrictions on prize money transfer we shall not be responsible.<br>↵
Update: Contest begins in a minute. All the best!↵
Hello Codeforces!<br>↵
“Craving for tasty algorithmic programming problems?”<br>↵
With no language barrier, **Codelicious'21** is a Competitive Programming event that will be conducted globally. With tasty and tricky questions, **Codelicous'21** will surely satiate your hunger for good quality algorithmic programming problems.<br>↵
I, on behalf of **PICT ACM Student Chapter (PASC)** would like to invite you all to [Codelicious'21](https://www.codechef.com/CODL2021).<br> We have a huge prize pool of **400 USD (30,000 INR)** for **top 2 Global** and **top 2 Indian participants**.<br>↵
**Contest Details:**↵
<li> Contest Link: [https://www.codechef.com/CODL2021](https://www.codechef.com/CODL2021)</li>↵
<li> Contest Date: [5 March 2021, 21:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210305T21&p1=1038&ah=2)</li>↵
<li> Registration Form: [Here](https://forms.gle/VqZ71LZ4wXAP7xSa9)</li>↵
Please register via the google form to be eligible for the prizes.<br>↵
**Global Prizes:**↵
<li>Rank 1 from leaderboard: **175 USD**</li>↵
<li>Rank 2 from leaderboard: **100 USD**</li>↵
**Indian Prizes:**↵
<li>Rank 1: **6000 INR**</li>↵
<li>Rank 2: **4000 INR**</li>↵
Good luck to everyone, hope to see you all on the leaderboard!<br><br>↵
Also note: <br>↵
- Prizes are inclusive of all taxes.<br>↵
- Prizes are subject to change under unavoidable circumstances.<br>↵
- Management is not responsible for the change in the pool.<br>↵
- Final decision lies in the hands of the organizers.<br>↵
- In case any country has any restrictions on prize money transfer we shall not be responsible.<br>↵
Update: Contest begins in a minute. All the best!↵