Greetings Coders, We would like to invite all of you to the SpyBits CP Round 2021, under the banner of Udyam’21, IIT (BHU) Varanasi.
Udyam is the annual technical fest of the Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi organized from Apr 15-18, 2021.
The CP round of SpyBits is a hugely anticipated annual affair now, entering it’s 11th edition under different names and forms. It will take place on April 15th from 9:00 PM — 11:30 PM IST.
We would like to thank our Title Sponsors, CoinSwitch Kuber, and the Event Sponsors, Silence Laboratories.
Click here to go to the contest page. Click here to go to the contest discussion page.
The Problem Set has been prepared by ashish_vishal, adikrsingh and me, dakshgarg.
We would like to thank jtnydv25, iscsi, shikhar7s, emperor_gentoo and pied-piper for their support in testing and preparation of this contest.
Participants will have 2.5 hours to solve 7 problems. The scoring will be ICPC style. The contest will be rated for Div. 2 and Div. 3 participants, but even so, has some hugely exciting problems for everyone!
Prizes! Merit Certificates shall be awarded for the Global Top 15 as well as Top 5 Indian participants
Good Luck everyone! Hope to see you on the leaderboard.