Given two arrays a and b, both arrays have size n. Find m the length of longest subsequence of i (1 <= i1 <= i2 <= i3 <= im) such that max(a[i1],a[i2],...,a[im]) + sum(b[i1],b[i2],...,b[im]) <= S , with S is given.
Constraints : n <= 10^5 , 1 <= a[i],b[i] <= 10^9
S <= 10^18
a[i] < a[i+1] for every 1 <= i <= n-1 (array a is increasing)
Input : First line : n,S
The following n lines : a[i] b[i]
An example test: Input:
4 10
1 5
2 1
3 3
4 2
Output :
Explain: Chosen subsequence is (2,3,4) (1-indexed).