Is map better than unordered_map in terms of time for big numbers???

Revision en1, by hustler_72, 2021-11-05 13:47:45

Hello everyone!

Today I found a weird thing. I was solving problem C from Educational Codeforces Round 115. The link for the same is here. 1598C - Удаление двух элементов I have solved this problem using map. The link to my solution using map is here: map solution But it was consuming more time. So I decided to reduce it. Then I realized that I actually do not want the ordered map. So, I have just replaced map with unordered_map. The link to my solution using unordered_map is here: unordered_map solution But surprisingly, I got TLE on test case 14. I don't know the reason behind this. Can anyone explain me why this happened?

Thank you :)

Tags map, unordered_map, hashing


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English hustler_72 2021-11-05 13:47:45 831 Initial revision (published)