_How you Doin'?_↵
_CodeChef NSUT Chapter_ is proud to invite you to [**C.O.D.E.R.S**](https://www.codechef.com/FOUR2021?itm_medium=hpevents&itm_campaign=Coders), which takes place on [Wednesday, November 24 at 201:00(IST)](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=C.O.D.E.R.S+%28Rated+for+Div+2+%26+Div+3%29&iso=20211124T20&p1=176&ah=3). The contest is **rated** for Div. 2 & Div. 3 participants. ↵
<a href="https://ibb.co/WDwb5m6"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/M84YSFs/Whats-App-Image-2021-11-22-at-22-39-25.jpg" alt="Whats-App-Image-2021-11-22-at-22-39-25" border="0"></a>↵
Each division has **six problems** to solve in a duration of **three hours**. We have tried our best to keep the problem statements interesting _yet_ short. And, YES! the theme of the contest is F.R.I.E.N.D.S, _could it BE any more exciting?_↵
Joining me on the organising panel are:↵
- **Admin**: Utkarsh [user:Utkarsh.25dec,2021-11-22] Gupta↵
- **Setters**: Jayesh [user:jayeshaw,2021-11-23] Shah, Kanhaiya [user:mr_practice001,2021-11-22] Mohan ↵
- **Testers**: Nishant [user:nishant403,2021-11-22] Shah, Divyansh [user:tyagsa,2021-11-22] Tyagi, Akshit [user:AkshitDh,2021-11-22] Dhoundiyal, Syed Ali [user:mafailure,2021-11-22] Aatif↵
Good luck to all the participants!↵
**UPDATE**: Contest is postponed by one hour due to technical glitch.
_CodeChef NSUT Chapter_ is proud to invite you to [**C.O.D.E.R.S**](https://www.codechef.com/FOUR2021?itm_medium=hpevents&itm_campaign=Coders), which takes place on [Wednesday, November 24 at 2
<a href="https://ibb.co/WDwb5m6"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/M84YSFs/Whats-App-Image-2021-11-22-at-22-39-25.jpg" alt="Whats-App-Image-2021-11-22-at-22-39-25" border="0"></a>↵
Each division has **six problems** to solve in a duration of **three hours**. We have tried our best to keep the problem statements interesting _yet_ short. And, YES! the theme of the contest is F.R.I.E.N.D.S, _could it BE any more exciting?_↵
Joining me on the organising panel are:↵
- **Admin**: Utkarsh [user:Utkarsh.25dec,2021-11-22] Gupta↵
- **Setters**: Jayesh [user:jayeshaw,2021-11-23] Shah, Kanhaiya [user:mr_practice001,2021-11-22] Mohan ↵
- **Testers**: Nishant [user:nishant403,2021-11-22] Shah, Divyansh [user:tyagsa,2021-11-22] Tyagi, Akshit [user:AkshitDh,2021-11-22] Dhoundiyal, Syed Ali [user:mafailure,2021-11-22] Aatif↵
Good luck to all the participants!↵
**UPDATE**: Contest is postponed by one hour due to technical glitch.