AhmetKaan's blog

By AhmetKaan, history, 10 months ago, In English

The system testing for the last Div. 3's are taking so long. The queue that has been created because of the system testing is a critical barrier to virtual participation.

MikeMirzayanov I thought giving a higher priority to vc submissions or changing the open hacking system of the Div. 3 rounds can be a solution for this situation.

I hope queue problems can be solved as soon as possible and the users can continuously improve themselves with codeforces.

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By AhmetKaan, 15 months ago, In English

Hi, dear codeforces community,

Today my brother Mehmet Kaan Avcı nicecoder37 returned home from EJOI23. I (Ahmet Kaan Avcı) was a bronze medalist in EJOI 2019, so this is the second EJOI medal from my family. I want to write about my hero. I started to olympiads with the help and efforts of my brother farukkastamonuda. Now computer programming is my passion, I am teaching in OI camps in Türkiye, and he is my pioneer. I would like to thank my family, especially my brother Faruk Avcı (farukkastamonuda). Here I am sharing the photos of us.

photo 1
photo 2
photo 3

The main purpose of this blog is to encourage the brothers or sisters to teach their young brothers or sisters. So, if you believe on your brother/sister you can be him/her hero and the most important person in his/her success.

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By AhmetKaan, history, 20 months ago, In English

Although all of the difficulties of contests held after round 862 were published, the difficulties of round 862 have not been published yet.

I do not know the progress behind the determination of problem difficulties, so this is why I am asking. Is it forgotten or something else?

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By AhmetKaan, history, 4 years ago, In English

Will there be live scoreboard for EJOI2020? If there will be where can i find the link?

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By AhmetKaan, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces! On Friday(May,15,2020) 17:35(GMT+3) Preparing for olympiads contest start. And it takes 2 hours. It will be mashup contest on codeforces. You can enter with this The problems were invented and prepared by me Ahmet Kaan AhmetKaan Avci , Faruk farukkastamonuda Avci and Halit Tugra Halit Celik Also huge thanks to to problemsetting and testing the round .We will be really happy if you join to our contest.

UPD:Last 1 hours!

The first solvers of problems!

A-) Gheal

B-) swapnil159

C-) swapnil159

D-) Sorting

E-) There are no people who solve this problem after rejudge but before the rejudge 16204 solve the first.

And the winner of the contest is 16204

I want to say Congratulations to who entered to this contest. I hope that you enjoyed it.

And now you can find the contest in this group.

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By AhmetKaan, history, 5 years ago, In English

How can i write colored text in polygon. I found latex commands like this: \textcolor{declared-color}{text} but i did not succeed. If there is a way to make this please tell me.

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By AhmetKaan, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces! On Monday(April 27,2020) 17:35(GMT+3) Preparing for olympiads contest start. It will be on hackerrank. Link of the contest The problems were invented and prepared by me Ahmet Kaan AhmetKaan Avci , Faruk farukkastamonuda Avci and Halit Tugra Halit Celik Also huge thanks to farukkastamonuda to problemsetting and testing the round and otaliptus to translating. We will be really happy if you join to our contest. Also after the start of the contest we will announce the turkish statements in this blog.

UPD: Less than 1 hour to contest!

UPD::FOR Turkish

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