Блог пользователя Wandoka

Автор Wandoka, 3 недели назад, По-английски

I am on Windows, I don't want to use WSL or Visual Studio. I want the compiler to tell me about stupid bugs. But I cannot figure out a way to do it.

The problem: I cannot figure out a way to catch both of the bugs below:

using namespace std;
int main() {
	//case 1
	vector<int> V(5);
	cout << V[10] << endl;
	//case 2
	set<int> Set;
	cout << *Set.begin();

Using clang

Clang allows me to use sanitizers on windows. I was not able to find a way to make them work in mingw. Here are my flags:

clang flags

I can successfully catch the case 1, in the error window I can clearly see what the mistake and the line where it happens.

error message case1

But I get no errors when I have the case2 bug.

Using mingw

I found 2 useful blogs on codeforces on this topic. There I found about the -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG flag, but it does not work for me with clang, so I used mingw.

mingw flags

Case1 is worse than in clang case, because I don't see the specific line

error message case1

But the case2 is better than with clang, at least I know that something is wrong and what type of mistake I made, but sadly I don't see the specific line.

error message case2

Both cases seem bad

I feel like I am doing something very wrong.

If you have a setup on windows that allows you to easily identify both of the bugs, I would be very interested to see how you did that.

I think this info can be useful to a lot of people who use windows and avoid using IDEs like visual studio (like people with low end pcs). I have seen too many people, including me, who manually search for this kind of bugs, and I think it should not be done like that.

compiler info clang
compiler info g++

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Автор Wandoka, история, 13 месяцев назад, По-английски

Basically the title.

Why the problems seem so much easier if you go to sleep and return to it the next day? It happened to me numerous times. I struggle for hours with a problem, I give up and move on with my day, I return to it in a day or two, usually I don't remember the statement, but after reading it I solve it almost effortlessly. It is like my brain solves the tasks on its own throughout the day, but I find it hard to believe that it is able to do that if I don't even remember the statement. Sometimes I wonder why I bother thinking about a problem at all if I get stuck for more than 10 minutes. I know that almost certainly I will be able to solve it the next day (if I pick an appropriate difficulty for me obviously).

I have pretty much 0 knowledge on how the brain works, and I wonder why this weird thing happens. I know that it is a common knowledge to "sleep on the problem", I was told that in school for example, but I have not seen anyone talking on how MUCH it affects the results.

I also wonder, if it possible to master this "power" lol?
It sounds weird, but I have an "ultimate move" during the contest to go to the toilet, for some unholy reason I consistently was able to find creative ideas in a span of several minutes I spent there. It seams like forgetting about the problem, and then returning to it works just like turning a device off and on, seems to fix most of the problems. But it is so hard to do it during a contest, especially when there is almost no time left. I also know that skipping a problem and then returning to it might be effective when you are stuck, but the effect is so much weaker for me. It helps, but just a bit.

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Автор Wandoka, история, 16 месяцев назад, По-русски

У меня 560 баллов из 600, но я не прошёл. Интересует, есть ли кто-то с меньшим/таким же количеством баллов, кто смог пройти? Хочу узнать, то ли тоталы у всех, то ли им не понравилось что я про себя написал.

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