colposh's blog

By colposh, 20 months ago, In English

Achievements can be a great way to track personal progress, and see how much you have progressed. Furthermore, I think it would be a pretty good motivating factor towards practicing Competitive Programming more.

General outline of achievement tab on user profile

Achievement examples:

  • [Achievement] + [date obtained]: Reaching Specialist!

  • [Achievement] + [date obtained]: Reaching Expert!

  • [Achievement] + [date obtained]: Logging on Codeforces daily for a year!

  • [Achievement] + [date obtained]: Top 1000 in a Div 2. Contest!

  • [Achievement] + [date obtained]: Fullsolved a Div 2. Contest!

These are just some rough ideas for achievement functionality.


This is just my suggestion towards an achievement system, so it is probably flawed in a lot of areas, but I just wanted to pitch in my ideas to the community!

Feel free to comment any additions to this idea/flaws about this idea. I am open to any criticism about this.

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By colposh, 2 years ago, In English

My Suggestions for the Upvote/Downvote System:

The current system only allows you to upvote/downvote comments once, and you are unable to change that decision. I feel like there are some flaws with this, so I have two main suggestions.

Change it so that users can change the decision about upvoting/downvoting.

Rationale: Many people mis-click the upvote/downvote button, and cause them to accidentally downvote/upvote a certain blog/comment. Also, people change their minds on their decisions for upvoting/downvoting, so it would be beneficial if you could change your decision.

Change it so that blogs/comments show both the amount of upvotes and downvotes.

Rationale: When a blog/comment shows both upvotes and downvotes would show a more holistic story. It would also show the amount of people that have inputted their opinions on the blog/comment. Typically, a small sample size is less representative than a bigger one.

These are just my suggestions. I understand that these suggestions would probably be incredibly hard to implement to the actual Codeforces platform.

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By colposh, history, 2 years ago, In English

When I was looking through submissions, I found dadadased's submission and found it extremely peculiar.

His submissions for Problem E (E — Koxia and Tree) —

His submissions for Problem D (D — Koxia and Game) —

His submissions for Problem C (C — Koxia and Number Theory) —

Just to clarify, I'm not entirely sure if dadadased cheated, but I wanted to post this to spread awareness and to get confirmation that dadadased did cheat.

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By colposh, 2 years ago, In English

What is your personal goal for 2023?

  • Pupil —

  • Specialist —

  • Expert —

  • Candidate Master —

  • Master —

  • International Master —

  • Grandmaster —

  • International Grandmaster —

  • Legendary Grandmaster —

  • Petition for MikeMirzayanov to hand out Headquarters role for New Year wishes — jk

Hopefully the new year will be significantly better than this year!

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By colposh, 2 years ago, In English

has inspired me to continue with my CP Journey! I started coding after discovering about Radewoosh's history in CP, so, to honor him, I made a drawing of him. Thank you Radewoosh for inspiring me to begin learning such an incredible subject.

Edit: Radewoosh has responded! Please show him appreciation!

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By colposh, 2 years ago, In English

Hi, I decided to post this blog to share various books and resources I used for Competitive Programming! I feel that these books were beneficial to my Competitive Programming journey.

lnishan posted blog that has a lot of extensive resources.

kostka has also posted a blog with a really detailed book that is definitely worth checking out!

Codeforces Education is also a really great resource!

General Competitive Programming Books:

"Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen et. al.

"Algorithms" by Sedgewick.

"The Design and Analysis of Algorithms" by Kozen.

"Algorithms in C/C++ Parts 1-5" by Sedgewick.

"Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms" by Sedgewick, Flajolet.

"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" by Sussman, Abelson.

"Art of Computer Programming" by Knuth (reference).

Algorithms and Data Structures

Coursera Algorithms (I)

Coursera Algorithms (II)

Coursera Algorithms (III)

MIT OCW (Introduction to Algorithms)

MIT OCW (Algorithm Design/Analysis)

MIT OCW (Advanced Data Structures)

  • Other Resources:

Big-O cheat sheet

Introductory Resources


Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science


Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python

Resources on learning programming languages: These are some books for if you are just starting to learn a programming language, or deciding to switch to a programming language:

List of practice problems

Hope you find this useful!

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