disypher's blog

By disypher, history, 6 hours ago, In English

Hey Codeforces Community,

They say the best code is the one you write every day. To that end, I present Codeforces POTD 2.0 – now on Chrome Web Store and, yes, fully open-sourced on GitHub.

Github Repo: https://github.com/Ntropy86/Codeforces-Calendar/tree/main

Store Link:https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/kdpcekneldcnkajbmabmfgdpcdjdmcfd?utm_source=item-share-cb

What's in the new algorithmic arsenal?

  • MongoDB backend – Because nested if-statements aren't the only thing that should be structured
  • Rating-matched problems – Adapts to your skill like a good binary search adapts to its input
  • Visual streak calendar – Watch your consistency grow faster than O(n²)
  • Automatic validation – We track your submissions so your brain can focus on the next DP optimization

Two announcements in O(1) time:

Chrome Web Store: Get the extension here before you can say "Time Limit Exceeded" Now Open Source: The entire codebase is available on GitHub – inspect the algorithms, optimize our queries, or contribute that feature you've been wishing for. Fork it faster than a greedy algorithm grabs coins.

How it works Enter your handle, solve the day's problem, and watch your streak grow. It's that simple – unlike proving P ≠ NP. Final thoughts As we all know, the most elegant solution isn't the one with the most lines of code, but the one that consistently gets the job done, day after day. May your streaks be long and your runtime errors few.

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By disypher, history, 21 month(s) ago, In English

Greetings, Codeforces Community! Exciting news: My new chrome extension — Codeforces Calender Chrome extension is now live. It offers a unique problem each day based on an offset of your Codeforces rating. It's ideal for those prepping for internships, placements, or anyone looking to break through a coding plateau, like me. I'm not saying that I am great at CP or something, just wanted to help the community out.

Link to the extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/codeforces-calender/kdpcekneldcnkajbmabmfgdpcdjdmcfd

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