Hey Everyone,
Hope you all doing well, as we all know Codeforces is one of the best sites on the internet. I would like to suggest some features if codeforces can add then codeforces would become way better.
- Hide Tags but show problem difficulty/rating option.
- A rated/unrated registration policy. [I have seen this feature on atcoder.jp]
- A streak ranking leaderboard (shows the coders having highest streak). [I have seen this feature on kenkooo.com]
- An official dark theme.
- Score distribution for gym/mashups contests, same as we see in a Div2/Div1/Global rounds.
These are just my personal suggestions. What additional feature would you suggest?
I don't know if this is possible or not, but even spacing between two contests would be quite good
An in-page submission text-area (like in AtCoder) would be helpful, if the ping goes high.
Also, filter standings by country / institution would also be nice.
your first one already exists here
it is not "in-page". we should press the submit button first. that cause problem if somehow codeforces server overload or maybe the contestant has bad internet connection because it requires additional page to load.
Why not file submission?
It's a good idea, but it takes a long time because sometimes it's hard to find a file in a lot of files.
sort them by time once, then take first always
Your first request : https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/66646
Your second request : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cf-world-standings/caginmipmmelcmijagfppgdljepiioak
Thanks for the links. Though, I still need an institution filter :(
For your first issue, this script might help.
Thanks a ton! It was needed indeed.
Also, another feature to show start time in very large and bold letters while registering
I would like to see who added me as a friend.
good ideas
but till we have the first option in the site, you can use some extensions wrote for that , or write a script yourself
extension for firefox
Unfortunately i cant find such thing or chrome, if you can plz tell us
Thanks for sharing! I got it for chrome/brave also :)
Here you go...
so good, thanks
And rating system for the problem quality.
along with this is:
feature to up/down vote problems/contests
come up with metric for "popular", probably inspired by metric for contribution
feature to sort/filter problem-set by popularity
feature to download a test case/set. This allows for easier local debugging and reduces the number of submissions on the server.
allow high rated users modify problem tags https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/104115
display more statistics for submissions, examples 1, 2
Regarding first bullet:
It was mentioned a number of times and the administration denied. To be honest, I do not remember the reasons. One of them is probably the following: hiding long tests makes it more difficult to steal ready problems — one should write his own generator, validator and so on.
Regarding second bullet:
Grandmasters already have ability to do it. However, it works only with recent problems. I think it's correct behaviour, it simplifies monitoring tags (suppose a bad high rated user removes all the tags from all the problems. How do you want to recover the system?)
I think the first feature is more or less useless. I don't see a way where having an array of 1e5 ints will be helpful. I think a better way to approach this is by making stress test scripts.
A feature in virtual contest which will show your ranking(official & unofficial both) without taking any other virtual contestant submission into account.
I think Codeforces can make the members in a group able to talk to each other publicly in the group. And also add some more interesting (that is, it uses some basic algorithms but give a interesting way to think of the solution) problems in the contest.