Блог пользователя _HossamYehia_

Автор _HossamYehia_, 19 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hello, Codeforces!

I am glad to invite everyone to participate in Codeforces Round #837 (Div. 2) , which will be held on Dec/11/2022 18:35 (Moscow time)

Please note the unusual time!

The round will be rated for participants of Division 2 with a rating lower than 2100. Division 1 participants can participate unofficially in the round.

You will be given 6 problems and 2 hours to solve them. This round was prepared by me and 4qqqq.

I'd especially like to thank:

This is my first official round on Codeforces. We are sincerely looking forward to your participation. We hope everyone will enjoy it.

The score distribution : 500 — 1000 — 1750 — 2250 — 2750 — 3500

We wish you good luck and high rating!

UPD1: We know about problem with C task. Now we are trying to fix it.


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19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

waiting for the round.

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +24 Проголосовать: не нравится

Egyptian Russian alliance. Hope it's gonna be a great round!

But where is "As a tester,...." comments XD

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

WOW .. Egyptian round . Good luck bro

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

As a division 5 participant, I can participate unofficially in the round.

Hope you'll prepare more interesting rounds.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +49 Проголосовать: не нравится


19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 4   Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

After a long time. Best of luck Everyone.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

It's a long time for an Egyptian round ..

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

No interactive problems?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

After a long time, 7 contests in 9 days. Great!

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

finally a contest

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

This is the most anticipated contest for me, keep up _HossamYehia_ :DDD

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Morocco famous win and now Egyptian contest... African vibes coming

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

I am best

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

The contest will start at 23:35 in China:(

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

If I'm beginning in programmation. Should I participate or it will be too difficult for me?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +4 Проголосовать: не нравится

    It will never be difficult. You will not Learn running unless you start walking. So participate in this contest and try to solve atleast one or two problem. Best wishes.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +11 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can't wait to see wangzheng2008's performance.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

I hope this African Round is as good as they are performing in FIFA World Cup with Morocco.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Hope to become pharaon this round

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +13 Проголосовать: не нравится


19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -11 Проголосовать: не нравится

Why does this feel like a Div 1 round or maybe it's just tough for me.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

E has a strong ROI 2015 in Arkhangelsk problem 6 vibe

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

Bloody Hell. What a pairful round!

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +6 Проголосовать: не нравится

let me guess, you forced online version of F because $$$O(mlog^2n)$$$ parallel_bs + BIT is faster than $$$O(mlogn)$$$ persistent_tree? :D

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +20 Проголосовать: не нравится

Why only 1 second limit for problem D? Java barely passes after optimizations & 3 TLEs...

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится -21 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Cuz why not ?

    My solution had a complexity of $$$\mathcal{O}(n^2\log{n})$$$, using LCA and dp.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +20 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Because it screws Java users... My solution is O(n^2) and it might fail on system tests.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится -28 Проголосовать: не нравится

      My n^2 solution for D runs very slowly, can you tell why

      #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
      #pragma GCC optimize("O3")
      #pragma GCC target("avx2")
      #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      #include <iostream>
      #include <fstream>
      #define ll long long
      #define mod 998244353
      #define mod1 998244353
      #define PI 3.14159265359
      using namespace std;
      void dfs(int v,int par, int vert, int startv, int&len)
          for(auto it:adj[v])
      int main()
          // SieveOfEratosthenes(1000000);
          int t=1;
          int tx = t;
           int n;
           string vals;
           int i;
           int ans = 1;
              int a,b;
                  ans =2;
              for(auto it:adj[i])
                  int len=1;
           int cnt=0;
              for(auto &it:paths[i])
                  int lef = it[0];
                  int ri = it[3];
                  int l1 = it[1];
                  int r1 = it[2];
                  ans = max(ans,dp[lef][ri]);
           return 0;
19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

How to solve B?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I will try my best to explain what I did, So a few observations first, The permutation is 1,2,3,4....n 1) Number of subsequences starting from 'i' are n-i+1.

    2) If we have a pair (1,2) that means that it includes all pairs (1,2),(1,3),(1,4)...(1,n) are included in it (because if we take any pair they will have (1,2) always). So if we have 2 inputs given as (1,2) and (1,4) so we can ignore (1,4) and take only (1,2) in consideration for calculation.

    3) Now take a case like this we have only (2,3) as the pair, So when we consider subsequences starting from 1, They are: {[1],[1,2],[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4]}. Now as we have (2,3) as a pair we have to stop before 3. So we have to consider the effects of the number after 1 to get its stopping point.(once read code comments to be more clear)

    4) if we only consider the pair (1,4), lets say n is 5. so the possible subsequences are 1,{1,2}, {1,2,3} == 4-1 {or b-a for a pair (a,b)}

    Code With comments


    Sorry If I complicated in explaining something.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +6 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Some observations:

    • If $$$[a, b]$$$ is a good subsegment, then all subsegments of $$$[a, b]$$$ are also good subsegments.
    • If the non-friend list contains a pair $$$(a, b)$$$, then any good subsegment that contains $$$a$$$ will not contain $$$b$$$.
    • If $$$[a + 1, b]$$$ is not a good subsegment, then $$$[a, b]$$$ is not a good subsegment.
    • If $$$[a + 1, b]$$$ is a good subsegment, and $$$a$$$ is friends with all $$$x$$$ satisfying $$$a < x \leq b$$$, then $$$[a, b]$$$ is also a good subsegment.
    • If the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a$$$ is $$$[a, b]$$$, then there are exactly $$$b - a + 1$$$ good subsegments that begin with $$$a$$$ (all prefixes of $$$[a, b]$$$).

    Individually, these observations should be obvious, but this leads to the following solution:

    • First, for each person $$$i$$$, find the earliest person after $$$i$$$ who is not friends with $$$i$$$, i.e., find the number $$$j$$$ such that $$$i$$$ is friends with everyone in the interval $$$(i, j)$$$ but $$$i$$$ is not friends with $$$j$$$.
      • We can prepare this by simply maintaining a 1D vector nextstranger, such that when we read a non-friend pair $$$a, b$$$ with $$$a < b$$$, we set nextstranger[a] = min (next_stranger[a], b).
    • Suppose we know that the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a + 1$$$ is $$$[a + 1, b]$$$. If $$$a$$$ is friends with everybody in the range $$$(a, b)$$$, then the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a$$$ is $$$[a, b]$$$ (cannot extend to $$$b + 1$$$ because there must be somebody within that that doesn't know $$$b + 1$$$). But if there is at least one person that $$$a$$$ is not friends with in the range $$$[a + 1, b]$$$, then the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a$$$ is $$$[a, nextstranger[a] - 1]$$$, since $$$a$$$ knows everyone afterwards up until nextstranger[a].
      • In other words, the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a$$$ is $$$[a, \min (b, nextstranger[a] - 1)]$$$.
    • If we now iterate $$$i$$$ from $$$n$$$ to $$$1$$$ (descending order), we can now find the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$i$$$. The base-case is when $$$i = n$$$, where the largest good subsegment is obviously $$$[n, n]$$$.

    My submission: 184766262

    I used non to refer to nextstranger and cut to represent the person right after the longest good subsegment ends, i.e., for a given value of $$$i$$$, cut becomes the minimum of nextstranger[i] and the previous cut (i.e. the cutoff point for the largest good subsegment that begins at $$$i + 1$$$).

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      can you please explain the variable cut? I couldn't understand it clearly.

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        When considering the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a$$$, the variable cut represents the cutoff point, i.e., the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a$$$ is $$$[a, cut - 1]$$$ and it has length $$$(cut - a)$$$.

        How do we calculate the current value of $$$cut$$$? Let $$$cut'$$$ represent the cutoff point for the largest good subsegment that begins with $$$a + 1$$$, i.e. the subsegment is $$$[a + 1, cut' - 1]$$$. Now, if $$$a$$$ knows everybody in the range $$$[a + 1, cut' - 1]$$$, then $$$cut = cut'$$$. But if not, then we should set $$$cut$$$ to be the first person in this range that $$$a$$$ does not know (which we already calculated as $$$non[a]$$$). We can cover both of these cases by simply setting $$$cut = \min (cut', non[a])$$$.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +19 Проголосовать: не нравится

Worst contest of my life, i hate it :( T_T

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -37 Проголосовать: не нравится

Really upset about problem C. I had a beautiful Python/PyPy solution but it kept timing out on pretest 3 :/

import math

for _ in range(int(input())):
    a = list(map(int, input().split()))

    # https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/93030/
    if math.lcm(*a) == math.prod(a):
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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

    This solution is too long, because lcm(a) and prod(a) can be ~ 10^(n * 9).

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится -22 Проголосовать: не нравится

      The included link says that that calculating the LCM this way can be O(n k), with n being the amount of numbers (10**5) and k being the amount of digits (9). So it should really pass, unless the Python implementation is inefficient.

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Rev. 4   Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится

        I think the problem is doing math.prod(a). I think the Python implementation of this function is inefficient because according to this forum thread, Python uses Karatsuba algorithm to multiply big numbers instead of a Fast Fourier Transform-method like Schönhage–Strassen algorithm

        The link about LCM you used also assumes multiplication is $$$O(1)$$$ time, which is not true when your numbers are this big, so taking the LCM of the whole array like this may also be slow.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

    math.prod(a) is so huge number... power(10, 9 * 1e5)

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +60 Проголосовать: не нравится

    It's actually possible to get AC with your formula with some constant factor (and some other) improvements.

    for example: 184805714

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +9 Проголосовать: не нравится

How was the round? I personally found it a bit hard.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Is there eratosphen's sieve solution of C?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Yes, but it will probably FST (184750417).


    UPD. It passed

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Rev. 4   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Daaamn, I did exactly the same, but got TLE, so gave up on this idea: 184746680

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится
      if (x > 1) {
        if (cnt[x] > 1)
          good = true;

      What's the significance of this part of the code? How do we know for sure that this remaining part of x (if(x>1)) will be the prime number

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

        actually never mind

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        There can be at most one prime divisor > $$$\sqrt{n}$$$.

        Proof. Let's prove it by contradiction. Let $$$p$$$ be the first such divisor and $$$q$$$ be the second. Then the least number divisible by both $$$pq > \sqrt{n} \cdot \sqrt{n} = n$$$. Contradiction.

        So this part of code is only needed if $$$x$$$ is a big prime number.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится
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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        I think it's because you keep all primes in map, so every incrementing of prime's count works for logn. Try to count primes under sqrt(1e9) in vector, and over sqrt(1e9) — in map, should help (Also, I would check if m[v[i]] > 1 after the prime decomposition)

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Hey can you tell me the idea/proof as to why this approach works?

      It would be a great help!.

      [UPD : nevermind i got it, thanks.]

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Why am i getting TLE. What's the time complexity of my code. Please tell.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится

    If $$$n$$$ is a large prime or a product of two primes $$$p, q$$$ such that $$$|p-q|$$$ is small, your factorization algorithm degenerates into $$$O(\sqrt{n})$$$ which is unable to pass.

    I am so dumb that I have to nuke it with the Pollard Rho algorithm after failing 7 times, sigh~. Look my submission 184795924 when available.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +50 Проголосовать: не нравится

Tfw you nuke C with Pollard's rho algorithm and Miller-Rabin because you're too stupid to solve it normally. :cry:

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Not sure of system tests though but the basic solution passed.

    pseudo code
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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      I don't think that'd work, what about this input:

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится -8 Проголосовать: не нравится

        I also think so it should not work.

        But let's see system tests are on now.

        Also A very bad problem in a cp contest who expects one to know these heavy math number theory algorithms. It is a very bad problem

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          19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
            Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

          No, I'm wrong, it does pass on this input.

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          19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
            Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

          i don't think A is that bad and also this problem doesn't require "heavy math number theory" at all

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

I feel in B, i'm trying to solve B in div1.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +70 Проголосовать: не нравится

You need to fix your contest i guess? :)


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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Any idea why Runtime error for such a code?

    I also got it for few of my submissions. Still couldn't find out why !

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +9 Проголосовать: не нравится

      assert(condition) terminates the program with exit code = 3 which results into runtime error if the condition is not true.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

    sample explanation in B also does not have latex

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +44 Проголосовать: не нравится

Problem B was stolen from 652C - Foe Pairs

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +102 Проголосовать: не нравится

Probably the worst contest I've ever seen.

Glanced at all problems and know how to solve them in one minute with no any interesting points.

C: know how to factorize large numbers with pollard or things?

D: very obvious and classical dp from one dimension to tree. though I dont know what's wrong with my code.

E: standard dp -- crafting the largest H C F O I D ....

F: also very standard online ds problem. I didnt get time to solve it bcz of D.

Also A and B is very terrible. It's not beginner friendly and it introduces some tricky cases to let many newbies to fail.

I can't remember the last contest with such bad quality was — I assume it should be on 2015 or before. Anyway I did not AK this contest but I got a very bad impression on the whole problemset. That's it.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I used sieve for C — worked well within the time limit.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I disagree.. The contest was good. B was very good. (It required a bit more thinking unlike usual Div 2 B where you just see the problem and start coding, also no tricky edge cases were there for me least).

    Even though I wasn't able to solve C. I guess that's what makes the problem good. Must have missed some observation.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      can you share your approach of B?

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится -12 Проголосовать: не нравится

      If you think problem C is good bcz it checked if people with good factorization tools or not, then you should check other problem Cs in past contest rounds.

      Please improve your taste before improve your rating.

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

        I'm pretty sure that intended solution DOES NOT involve those weird factorization methods. (Although people overkilled it..but I don't care about "other" people).

        It has to be simple and elegant, and such problems are really good, whose solution is actually simple yet it doesn't strike easily.

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          19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
            Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

          YEs exactly. Don't say a problem bad by just seeing it. There is a solution which passes within 100 ms. Try to find it rather blaming that problem man. Though I personally think time limit should have been more restricted to filter out this factorization solution. This factorization solution is seems pretty straight forward for me. Just personal opinion.

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            19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
              Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

            Yea within 100ms you mean these totally wrong submissions which got accepted due to the weak tests?

            Just let you know, all < 100ms submissions have been hacked. I cannot learn anything from here.

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          19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
            Проголосовать: нравится +13 Проголосовать: не нравится

          The problem is if you know some fast factorization tools (like pollard-rho), you can just use it with 0 minute of thinking.

          So it become kind of knowledge checking problem, if you know it, you kill it instantly, and if you don't, you will need to making observation and have more penalty then the other.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

      if they wanted intended to be sieve, then they should have lowered the limits, my sol just uses a extra set and doesnt pass

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      It was "good" because you solved it, let me guess! Segments for a B with some corner cases to think of is an utter shit for B div 2

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится
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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    this basically sums this contest up

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

    can't agree more... I didn't see any interesting problems in this contest

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Not bad for today! Thanks _HossamYehia_!!

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    What was not bad ? Round has 3 nice problems with more or less short statements — A, C, F. Everything else is shit on a stick

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +11 Проголосовать: не нравится

How to do C? :(

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +20 Проголосовать: не нравится

Contests like these always bring my little bit hope left down, i just don't know what to say.. feeling so sad right now

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

Why this solution (184800271) for C gives WA???

I am generating all prime numbers up to $$$\sqrt{10^9}$$$ because if $$$xy=z$$$ then $$$min(x,y)\leq{\sqrt{z}}$$$.

Then I am looking for two multiples of every prime number generated.

  • »
    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

    It's not enough to check until 10**4.5, you do need to check until 10**9. For example, you might have 2*192763567 and 3*192763567 in the data set (192763567 being prime).

    • »
      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Just check and factorize every number until sqrt(n). The number remaining would be the remainding prime!

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +12 Проголосовать: не нравится

If only F were 512MB instead of 256MB. I'm depressed... My solution using sqrt decomposition.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    can u explain ur sqrt decomposition logic ?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +16 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I managed to write a solution using sqrt decomposition that passes, but just barely. I had to implement range paint using a vEB tree instead of DSU (which turned out to have a better constant factor than making the log log n faster than the inverse_ackermann n for this problem).

    Explanation of the solution: Divide the array into B blocks. Then process each block individually like this: Look at each value that occurs in the array, but not in the block. Assume the left bound of some query is inside the block, and the right bound is outside the block. Then if the answer is a value that isn't in the block, it must occur an odd number of times outside the block. And which is the smallest of these for a given right bound does not depend on the left bound, since the left bound is inside the block, and the block doesn't contain the value. So by range-"painting" values you can compute the answer for every right bound, assuming the left bound is inside the block and that the answer is not a value inside the block. Range painting can be done in O(n log log n) with good constant factor using a vEB tree.

    Then to answer a query, you can look only at the block corresponding to the left bound of the query. Brute force count how many occurrences there are in the range of each value that appears in the block. There are n / B values in the block, so this can be done in O(n / B * log n) time by binary searching in arrays of positions of occurrences.

    Then take the minimum of this answer and the pre-computed answer for the right bound in the block.

    Total running time is O(qn / B * log n + Bn log log n). Code: 184822603

    Had to steal some fast IO from nor and vEB tree from mango lassi and nor to make it pass.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

It was hard :D

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

Entire contest I was searching for some efficient solution of C, at last tried brute force and it worked. Do the brute force really for C or am I gonna get FST?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +4 Проголосовать: не нравится

Weird round. D was easier than C ;_;

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +6 Проголосовать: не нравится

It's midnight in most of Asia and I'm regretting my sleep.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

problem a is just same as https://codeforces.net/contest/459/problem/B but with *2

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

When approaching problem A, if the maximum and minimum values were different, i multiplied the number of maximum and the number of minimum and multiplied by 2, and if the same, i gave n * (n — 1). Why is A wrong? https://codeforces.net/contest/1771/submission/184799055

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

C is way too standard, but its hard to optimise your solution

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

    got it

    • »
      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      I guess because of overflow

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      I can assume, if you are working with C++ the set of numbers can be of arbitrarily large primes, thus the lcm can be as much of 10^40(each of the ~10^5 numbers are different ~10^9 primes). I don't know if this can work in python due to the bignumbers

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

For A if the smallest number != largest number the number of occurrence of the smallest element * the number of occurrence of the largest element * 2 ;

else if all elements are same nC2 . why won't this work .

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +22 Проголосовать: не нравится

I feel that constraints on problem C should have been either tighter or looser because solutions using Sieve and then factorizing each number using a list of primes and storing number of occurrences of each factor are barely passing and even failing for a few submissions depending on how the code has been written, which isn't fair to everyone

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    can u share ur solution plz ? :)

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      I generated the list of primes up to 31622 (sqrt of 1e9), and 3401 primes are less than 31622 (I checked this after generating).

      After this, I created a map, facs, to store the number of times each prime factor has occurred in the prime factorisations of the elements of the array (this will require roughly 3400 operations at max to check for each prime number less than sqrt(ai)) and then if anytime, we get that a prime p divides ai and after doing facs[p]++ if facs[p]==2, then we are done and can output yes else if we have finished traversal then we can output no.

      You can check code here

      • »
        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        How do you estimate time complexity of this? I thought of same thing but I assumed no. of operations as 3*10^3 * 10^5 (correct me if I'm wrong here). I thought that's not the number of intended operations for given Time Limit forcing me to think other ways. I tried my luck by submitting some bullshit at last moment which of-course failed

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          19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

          I got the same complexity, roughly 3.4*10^8 operations (you can do roughly 10^8 operations in 1 sec, so I gave it a shot), and somehow it fits in at 2.4 sec for me, which is why I feel the constraints were not fair to everyone as whether or not your code passes depends on your implementation too

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            19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
              Проголосовать: нравится +2 Проголосовать: не нравится

            It took you 2.4 sec in C++, I'm sure it won't work in Python, until they come up with solution that works with all language this is a really bad problem :(

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится

        damn, I just randomly checked 100*n pairs of indexes and if their gcd is 1 or not bc I thought it will give tle.

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        This doesn’t pass in python

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        but how does this pass? , we have 1e5 elements in the array , for every one of them we will go through 31622 numbers to check , which then becomes 1e5 * 31622 , this is 3162200000 ~~ 3e9 , so i don't get how this is not a tle , can u plz explain ?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

please tell the idea of C .. I thought sieve will simply give TLE so gave up that idea ...

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

C easy than A

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Porblem C explain ... Basically How to find prime factors of a number<=1e9 in log(n)?? help....

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    There are only 3401 primes smaller than sqrt(1e9) so you only need to check for those primes. Then, once you are done dividing by all the primes, if the number left is greater than 1 then it is another prime.

    • »
      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +6 Проголосовать: не нравится

      so for each no in the array if I do this .. complexity can go upto 3401*n if all the numbers are a prime bigger than sqrt(1e9) . which will be 10^8 . Why wont it give TLE ?

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        I feel like 10^8 operations shouldn't TLE for one second and also this problem gives 3 seconds anyway.

        To be fair, I know mod is slower than the other operations, so maybe one second is cutting it close but it should be fine for 3.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Square root of 10^9 is 31622. There are atmost 3402 primes in 31622. There are 10^5 numbers and try to prime factorize by 3402 primes. Complexity O(n*3402) will pass.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +9 Проголосовать: не нравится

      i Had this silly rule till now that 10^8 give a tle .... :(

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        Same, I thought operations should be in order of 10^6 for a second time limit

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Will this pass in python as well?

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится

      I saw your solution. My question is about your inner loop which at most can run 30 times. why you did not count complexity analysis. Can you give me an explanation, please? I think the complexity of your code would be O(n*3402*30). Please explain.

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        No. It's always up to O(n*3402). Because of, while inner loop is true, d[i] reduce by d[i]/prime[j]. If you notice carefully you will see, middle loop up to sqrt(d[i]). So reduce d[i] always reduce middle loop.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится


Anyone knows why is this wrong at pretest 3? Idea: Check all routes from one leaf to another. I could understand this getting TLE'd, but not WA

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +53 Проголосовать: не нравится

Constraints on C in fact very tough. It is easy to notice that there is $$$P=3500+-$$$ primes up to $$$\sqrt{10^9}$$$. But I think a bunch of people thought that $$$O(n*P)$$$ would get tle. moreover, we have some sets or hashtables that also affect the time complexity. Also, $$$O(n*P)$$$ theoretically should get tle

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +9 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I thought it will get TLE, so I didn't write it. Too bad.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +10 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Same for me, I don't recall ever seeing CF problems where the intended solution is that slow. I hope that there is a more "elegant" solution that I'm missing.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +4 Проголосовать: не нравится

    You can avoid hash table by taking a 3500 length array for storing frequency of each prime, but I agree that it was not clear that $$$3.5e8$$$ modulo operations would pass in tl.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

    True. I got TLE using python

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Oh, in problem D, my solution works for $$$n^2\cdot26$$$, I thought it would pass, The asymptotics match, after all.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

For D, I tried finding the longest palindromic subsequence for each leaf-to-leaf path.

Is this approach wrong, and if so could someone please explain why :3

My submission: https://codeforces.net/contest/1771/submission/184793847

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +47 Проголосовать: не нравится

What is the intended solution to C?

Is it the $$$O(n \cdot \pi(\sqrt{a_i}))$$$ solution? (where $$$\pi(x)$$$ is the number of primes less than $$$x$$$) I was hesitant to submit it for some time since ~4e8 ops in 3s felt risky.

Also, I don't know if I'm just being dumb, but in E why can't we just try all horizontal parts in $$$O(n \cdot m^2)$$$ and for each check the longest possible vertical segment in O(1)?

By "check the longest possible vertical segment in O(1)" I mean:

  • Store first bad above / below each point.
  • Store first and second medium above / below each point.
  • Use the above two to compute how far we can extend each part (top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right).
  • If we haven't used the medium in the horizontal segment, try it in all 4 parts (using second med above / below) and take the max of all.
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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

    about problem C. I was hesitating for about an hour, and only after giving up decided to submit 3e8 '/' operations and it did not TLE for some reason, still not sure why

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      C++ can do about 1e8 operations per sec. So 3e8 is done in 3 secs. And this is number theory, everything's faster than should be because a lot of cases are just skipped.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Good lord

    I desperately tried to find a better solution and brushed off the idea that it doesn't pass because of python. Because it would be so weird to have language problems in d2C (and because I was too lazy to rewrite it today)

    Also it means C was a very straightforward problem with tight constraints.

    And now I see that there are only 10 successful submissions in pypy3-64 and most of them had to use some magical rho algorithm I have no idea about...

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Yeah, I did same stuff in E.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    For problem C, I just used Pollard-Rho, which is complexity $$$O(n\cdot (a_i)^{1/4})$$$. My submission runs in time but still takes over one second, so I wonder if there is a faster solution.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      so you know that if x is not an prime number there will be a prime divisor of it <= sqrt(x) so it is max about sqrt(1e9) and the number of primes number up to sqrt(1e9) is about 3400 so you just need to fact the x by 3400 prime number

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I did something very similar to yours; the technique is similar to sweepline but easier: 184788266. Funny how I solved E before C. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

Never felt so frustrated... Thank you! :|

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +62 Проголосовать: не нравится

As a participant, C and D were complete garbage

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    How do you do C?

  • »
    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    D was ok, C is indeed.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      D seems quite standard. But, alright, I have seen worse Ds.

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        idk how to solve it, i know array dp but not with tree

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          19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
            Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

          Well, it's quite similar. You can make transitions in the order of d[v][u], where d is the distance between v and u. If you sort all the pairs by d, you can make dp transitions, which is basically dp on array, if you know the parents of the vertices on the path

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

hey can someone tell me why this gives tle:

https://codeforces.net/contest/1771/submission/184791207 i know its o(n * sqrt(N))) where N = 1e9 but what is the diffrent between this and the prime factorization approach since its also suppose to be the same complexity

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    sqrt 10^9 is 3x10^4, in total it can degrade to > 10^9

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      but people discussed above in the comments solutions that have the same complexity but it passed but maybe it fst after system test thanks anyway ps : n = 1e5, N = 1e9 just saying

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

        In the prime factorisation approach, you only check all primes till sqrt(1e9), which comes to be around 3e3. While you are checking all numbers till sqrt(1e9).

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +11 Проголосовать: не нравится

An unpleasant contest, a lot of newcomers fell for int in A, solutions on the verge of TL in C and D. When I was taught to do contests, they said it was not good to catch a constant or log, because there would be those who wrote a sloppy correct solution, but would not be able to pass it.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

What is wrong with my A task submission ?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Hi!! can anyone tell where can i find the editorial??

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

I'm unable to find out why this code fails for pretest 3 for A. please help me

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int t;
    for(int i=0;i<t;i++){
        int n, a=1, b=1;
        int x[n];
        for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            else break;
        for(int i=n-1;i>0;i--){
            else break;
        if(a==n || b==n)cout<<n*(n-1)<<"\n";
        else cout<<a*b*2<<"\n";
    return 0;
19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

EDIT: I'm sorry, this idea won't work, since it should trigger integer overflow. It passed pretests though, but will likely FST. This is what I wrote, if anyone is interested (but it is not supposed to pass):

C does not need a sieve or anything more complicated than Euclid's GCD algorithm.

All you need to do is maintain a running LCM. Initially, the running LCM is just the first element of the array. Check the GCD of the running LCM and the next value. If the GCD is not 1, then there must be an overlapping factor between this next value and one of the earlier values (doesn't matter which), so the output is YES. Otherwise, update the running LCM (by multiplying the current running LCM with this next element that we just found to be coprime to it) and move on. If we read the entire array, and the GCD was always 1, then the output is NO.

My submission: 184790195

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -23 Проголосовать: не нравится

My solution for A has fallen in the system test because i forgot to print a new line in in the case when all array is equal , i hope you can skip this mistake as it is a presentation error and it is also not included in the pretests , i was about to get back to specialist and i hope you MikeMirzayanov can consider it correct.

  • »
    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +2 Проголосовать: не нравится

    same, but it's a dumb mistake from both us and those who made pretests lol. Also, C's pretests kinda weak too.

    • »
      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится -10 Проголосовать: не нравится

      i agree it's a dumb mistake but there should be a strong pretests so that i can look back and fix it , also it is not some corner case or overflow issues , i hope the system can consider our solutions correct

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Fuck so close to solving D. It’s just going level by level and do DP.

no idea how to solve C.

  • »
    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    You just need to know that there are O(sqrt(M) / log(M)) primes from 1 to M. Then You can just check, if there are 2 numbers that both divide a prime below sqrt(10^9) ~= 35000. Also you should divide each number on all primes below sqrt(10^9). Then you'll have either 1 or a big prime. Then check if there are 2 primes.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

What is idea for D, i know solution dp n^2 for 1d array with size n and that solution must be between 2 leaves in tree but thats it.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +27 Проголосовать: не нравится

Pretests were comparable to a steaming pile of shite

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +63 Проголосовать: не нравится

Wow!! what this pretests. Screenshot-2022-12-11-201844

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится -6 Проголосовать: не нравится


19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +21 Проголосовать: не нравится

WTF was C?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +77 Проголосовать: не нравится

I FSTed C 184739561 on test 16. I typoed and only factorized out 2 and 3. This passes 15 tests...

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

184778086 is not correct

184778210 also

184766650 also

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +34 Проголосовать: не нравится

Problem F is a specialization of 1479D - Odd Mineral Resource. (Technically, that problem doesn't ask for the minimum value but most solutions for that problem will find the minimum anyway.)

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +20 Проголосовать: не нравится

    In Odd Mineral Resource the queries are not online so parallel binary search + sweepline fenwick tree can be used, but in problem F a persistent segment tree is required. The two problems are still really similarly though

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      True, I forgot about that. I tried the persistent segment tree solution for Odd Mineral Resource so it was the same to me.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

Weak pretest.

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится


19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +12 Проголосовать: не нравится

I'm just much surprised that how my solution for problem C got accepted in system testing (It shows that main tests are really weak), can anyone hack it? 184797036

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can this idea work or is just way too slow even with a better implementation? (Problem C):


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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I think approaches with sieve on Python get TLE on this problem. I also kept getting TLE during the contest. But when I re-implemented the same approach with C++, I got AC.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +13 Проголосовать: не нравится

Very weak pretests for $$$C$$$.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

What is wrong with my solution of A? It fails on 24th test. 184739221

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Got TL on F in system tests. Replaced map with unordered_map, got at least 10x speed-up on test 30: before that I was getting TL on test 30, but with unordered_map it works under 150 ms. It was log(N) per query anyway, and I was still using std::map O(N) times, but changing coordinate compression container to unordered_map somehow miraculously sped up the program. Just wondering, is it okay that such a small change caused that much performance loss?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

how to solve F?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +16 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Main idea is that if you take xor of numbers, numbers that will appear even number of times will cancel out from xor. To find smallest odd appearing number you can just binary search for minimal i that xor of numbers less or equal than i is > 0, with segment tree. To answer queries in a segment, you can use persistent segment tree. There are also cases when xor of numbers is zero (like 1, 2, 3) but there are numbers that appear odd number of times, but it can be fixed with just mapping numbers to random 64bit numbers, and the probability of xor being zero will be very low (don't know how to prove it).

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      wow that's why there was mt19937 in accepted codes. thank you

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +13 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Here is the proof of probability of two randomly chosen subset's xor being equal is very low.
      please let me know if anything is incorrect..
      Say there are k basis elements out of n elements in the array..
      claim: Then the probability of xor of two different subset being equal is ~ $$$1/2^k$$$..
      (note that k can be atmost 64)

      Assume that, for first 64 numbers of array, we map them all to two powers(eg 1,2,4,8,....)...resulting in first 64 number being linearly independent to each other(ie: any of them cant be represented as xor subset of other)... and all further numbers(i>64) can always be represented as linear combination of first 64 numbers(ie: as some xor subset)...

      Directly to the proof: There are total $$$2^n$$$ subsets possible..
      Thus N = $$$2^n*(2^n-1)$$$ pairs of subset..
      Let Z be number of pairs of subsets with equal xor..
      claim: Z = $$$2^n*(2^{n-k}-1)$$$
      1. There are $$$2^k$$$ unique xor values out of $$$2^n$$$ subsets xors.
      2. In that, each unique value is repeated exactly $$$2^{n-k}$$$ times..
      refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/72195021/15971867

      \begin{Bmatrix} x_1 & x_1 & x_1 & \cdots & x_1 \cr x_2 & x_2 & x_2 & \cdots & x_2 \cr x_3 & x_3 & x_3 & \cdots & x_3 \cr \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \cr x_{2^k} & x_{2^k} & x_{2^k} & \cdots & x_{2^k} \cr \end{Bmatrix}

      Thus number of ways in choosing pair of subset such that their xor are equal, is number of ways choosing two different subset along same row in above matrix...
      (note that here each xi is the subset(xor-ed).)

      There are $$$2^{n-k}$$$ elements in each row..
      thus there are $$$2^{n-k}*(2^{n-k}-1)$$$ such pairs in each row, and there are $$$2^k$$$ rows, hence $$$2^k*2^{n-k}*(2^{n-k}-1)$$$ pairs total..

      So, probability of choosing pair of subset with equal xor value is
      P = Z/N = $$$\frac{2^n*(2^{n-k}-1)}{2^n*(2^n-1)}$$$
      ~= $$$2^{-k}$$$
      which is very low for k = 50..

      Note that, it seems even if we take all numbers as random from the beginning, still it works..
      So, for upto n<=64, if we choose n random numbers, then there are high chance that all of them being independent..(I dont know to prove this.)

      upd: I have proved it here that If you generate some n random numbers, then atleast first 50 of them will be linearly independent of each other.. (atleast first m, with probability 2^m/2^64 in general.)

      Here is the modified jiangly's solution with first 64 numbers as two powers and remaining are just filled with unused natural numbers starting from $$$2^{25}+1$$$. (i=64 to n are then shuffled to avoid hacking) ref:https://codeforces.net/contest/1771/submission/184878249

      note: it is better to choose random number instead of continuous numbers, cause if you dont shuffle them, then xor of all numbers between 4k1+1(or 3) to 4k2+1(or 3) for any k1<k2 will be equal..
      Also even if you shuffle, the code is prone to hacking... for example, By looking at above accepted code, it is known that there exist {$$$2^{25}$$$,$$$1$$$,$$$2^{25+1}$$$} in the array, hence for n = 65, by just choosing all 65C3 combinations in each query, one can exploit this triplet.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Hi! We know about problem with C task. Now we are trying to fix it.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +20 Проголосовать: не нравится

Not a good contest, The time limits are absurd. The problems are weird. I literally had my heart in my mouth while systests. I think either solution should pass with ok margin or tle in pretests. Staying on the border with dumb luck passing or failing solutions doesn't make much sense.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +38 Проголосовать: не нравится

The rating for Codeforces Round #837 (Div. 2) will be rolled back until the end of the investigation of the incident with problem C.

What was the incident? Was there a problem with the tests or something?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can anybody help me find out what's wrong in my solution to question A.Thanks in advance


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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Maybe in the general case output it takes it as an int. You could try to precompute the answer as a ll and then output it that way

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

    The C++ STL count function returns an unsigned int and you need to typecast it to long long while outputting, which you didn't and so you are getting WA due to overflow

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

    use long long

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Auto comment: topic has been updated by _HossamYehia_ (previous revision, new revision, compare).

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +11 Проголосовать: не нравится


19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

For me, this round was very unusual and tricky. The problems were challenging and hard, but the contest was good. Solved B and F, but not A, C, D or E. <3

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -20 Проголосовать: не нравится

Problem B is exact copy of this problem: https://codeforces.net/contest/652/problem/C

Make this contest unrated.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +16 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Well, a lot of easy problems look same. There are not many ideas for div2A and div2B. And ofc the idea of problem B is well known. And if we made every round, where problem A or problem B is not 100% unique, unrated, there would be no rated contests

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

Put the damn editirial slready , pls

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Dont know why people hating b imo b was very easy here is my submission link https://codeforces.net/contest/1771/submission/184805442

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

Have the ratings been finalised or still solutions are being rejudged?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

problem D was easier than B in my opinion , i regret i didn't read it during the contest and kept trying to solve B

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +24 Проголосовать: не нравится

"I'd especially like to thank: MikeMirzayanov , for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platforms."

Tbey are such amazing platforms that they even remind you (pretty adamantly) to tests the inputs for inconsistencies

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится -17 Проголосовать: не нравится


19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +10 Проголосовать: не нравится

Worst generator for C

By the way, it's harder to write the generator than to come up with this test. I think 256KB limit for the hack is sometimes tight.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -12 Проголосовать: не нравится

I switched long long to int in problem C and it passed. :/

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -11 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can anyone help me with this or this submission where I got TLE for O(max(n,m)) complexity in problem B?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +4 Проголосовать: не нравится

In problem C, I submitted the same code in pypy3 and pypy3 64bit but the code gave TLE in pypy3 64bit and AC in pypy3 .
- Is this a problem with pypy64 bit ? why this difference happened?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +141 Проголосовать: не нравится

Unfortunately, it was found that the validator in the problem C allowed the case n = 1. We found all the participants whose result was affected by this issue (146 in total), for them the round will be unrated. For other participants, the round remains rated.

We apologize for this incident. :'(

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +66 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Ratings updated preliminary, it will be recalculated after removing the cheaters.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +14 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Instead of declaring round unrated for some people, validator should have been corrected for above mentioned case. Due to mistake in creating test cases, declaring round unrated for some participants is totally senseless.

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +20 Проголосовать: не нравится

      Validator has been fixed and it affected mentioned 146 participants and their solutions have been rejudged.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится -12 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I saw this kind of judgement (some participants are unrated) sometimes, but how about the case for those who have good $$$+\Delta$$$ still with some negative effected troubles? I think the participants can choose their rated/unrated, or, everyone is unrated is fair. 146 participants are not a small number to decide to make the whole round unrated.

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

I'm a little frustrated with problem A. I was stuck on this problem for over an hour. In the condition of the problem, 1<=n<=10^5, but the problem fails when n is an int number.

Some submission in during contest — https://codeforces.net/contest/1771/submission/184727850

Fixed (int to long long) — https://codeforces.net/contest/1771/submission/184836287

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

So C needs a precise execution time estimation (provided that we don't use advanced number theory algorithms).

Some discussions on Codeforces about the number of operations C++ can do per second:

Blog 1

Blog 2

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +2 Проголосовать: не нравится

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -28 Проголосовать: не нравится

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

how to solve problem c?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится

    just check, if there minimum 2 even numbers in the array. If so, then yes. Because a pair of even number has at least one common divisor which is 2.

    Otherwise you have check with prime factorization using sieve.

    Just store the primes factors of every element of the array in a map.

    Every time, before storing a factor, just check whether this factor stored before or not.

    If not found, then print No at the end.

    If needed you can check my solution : 184772682

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

      According to your explanation, wouldn't the time complexity be like n x |{Primes}|? What if n numbers are all large prime numbers? Could you elaborate on the time complexity aspect?

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится +5 Проголосовать: не нравится

        Ok, it's a nice observation. But I think it will overcome this TL.

        If you search, you will get the large number that less then equal (1e9) is 999999937 (If I am not wrong). So if I want to store prime factors of this number, I need the primes which are less than equal sqrt(999999937) = 31622. There are only 3402 primes which are less than equal 31622 which I stored before using sieve.

        Now, if I want to store prime factors of a large number which is a large prime that less than equal 1e9, I need only 3402 times operations, according to my code.

        So, I need around (3402 * 1e5) operations. which will pass in 1s ig.

        I think, I answered your question. What do you think?

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          19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
            Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

          There are far fewer primes than I expected! I get it. Thanks!

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +2 Проголосовать: не нравится

MikeMirzayanov, _HossamYehia_ My submission for yesterday's C problem got skipped due to an unknown reason and the contest got unrated for me. I don't think this is plagiarism but a glitch from your end. Kindly check and take suitable action.

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Hi, For problem C, can't we apply the all possible pair using Merge Sort algorithm (an Nlog(N) approach), and subsequently finding the gcd of the pair formed during merge operation only? Handling the primary cases initially? `

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +2 Проголосовать: не нравится

why my rating is not updating? everyone's rating updated!!

19 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

are ratings updated yet?? It is showing me N/A. And why there is an * sign before my username in the standings??

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится


19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +1 Проголосовать: не нравится

why am I unrated? it's weird.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Why there are so many downvotes?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +9 Проголосовать: не нравится

    shitty contest, shitty c, weak pretest which allowed some solutions to pass, failing later, also depending on how code was written c passed or didnt.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Problem C should be renamed to Hossam and the Speed of Light. Anyone also agrees ?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

I got TLE .But I don't know why ? Can anyone help me? Problem_C link:https://ide.geeksforgeeks.org/404239a0-839d-4ad7-93a1-d6e125512ec6

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

First rated contest, didnt suceed the first question ... i am software engineer, should i kill myself ?

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    You definitely shouldn't. All of the problems in this contest were way too difficult for beginners (e.g. A had very annoying edge cases). You should just practice more and hope for better luck next time!

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can anyone explain how to solve problem F using persistent segment tree?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

hard but not enough

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can a solution for problem C, based on factorising a number (upto 1E9) using pollard-rho be hacked? If yes kindly hack this solution. 184846090

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +2 Проголосовать: не нравится

This problem C got me thinking: why can't we factorize $$$n$$$ in $$$\sqrt[\leftroot{-2}\uproot{2}3]{n}$$$? My solution failed, so I must be wrong somewhere: 184828349

My idea was that we can iterate over all possible divisors of $$$n$$$ from $$$2$$$ to $$$10^3 + 5$$$. $$$n$$$ has $$$10^9$$$ ceiling so the largest divisor $$$p$$$ that we might have missed out on is less than $$$10^6$$$. Now, if $$$p$$$ is not a prime, then it means it has a divisor less or equal to $$$\sqrt{p}$$$, which is less than $$$1e3$$$, so we must have covered it before, while iterating over small divisors of $$$n$$$. Which means that $$$p$$$ is a prime and we successfully factorized $$$n$$$.

I tried running stress tests but it's very hard to generate a counter-example apparently, so I would appreciate some help here

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I found that this case doesn't work: 1 2 187169761 13681 (13681 is a prime, and 187169761=13681^2) It should return YES, because 13681 divides both of these numbers. Your code returns NO.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится -16 Проголосовать: не нравится

Please don't downvote just because the pretests were weak. This round was very good, I really enjoyed thinking about D. Thanks to the problem setters.

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +22 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Shitty contest, Shitty problems, no editorial uptil now, any other reason not to downvote???

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      19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
        Проголосовать: нравится +3 Проголосовать: не нравится

      funny how you comment on problems, without solving any of them

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        19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
          Проголосовать: нравится +4 Проголосовать: не нравится

        Dont really feel like explaining, but still I aim to target div2C for now, so just tried C in the contest, partially got correct missed a silly edge case(41 test in system thinking, was so trivial didnt mind correcting and resubmitting bcoz thats not my aim), still i wanted to see their expected C solution, thats why i (and everyone else) is angry

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +43 Проголосовать: не нравится

When will the editorial get released??

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +11 Проголосовать: не нравится


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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится -8 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Because the editorial might get a lot of downvotes, the authors may not be releasing it at this point.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +44 Проголосовать: не нравится

will #837 be the first contest without editorial?

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can somebody give me an unofficial editorial? At least for the first 5 problems...

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Editorial is quite late so anyone please help me how to solve problem D.

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Can Somebody explain me the solution to problem d, using LCA and dp ! please help!

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

waiting for the editoral.....

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Thanks for the fast editorial

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +7 Проголосовать: не нравится

Since the editorial is not out yet, I would like to provide hints for the problems and reviews which I have solved in contest:

A. Hossam and Combinatorics: Nice simple problem.

Hint 1:
Hint 2:

B. Hossam and Friends: Quite hard for it's place (or maybe I messed it up), but nice problem.

Hint 1:
Hint 2:

C. Hossam and Trainees: Nice problem, but I feel it a bit standard one.

Hint 1:
Hint 2:
Hint 3:

D. Hossam and (sub-)palindromic tree: Nice problem, I had fun solving it.

Hint 1:
Hint 2:
Hint 3:
Hint 4:

Kindly forgive me for any grammatical errors. Feel free to comment if you find anything wrong. Thanks!

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    19 месяцев назад, # ^ |
      Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Thanks for the hints!!

    For problem D, instead of using Binary Lifting and LCA, we can find the direct child and direct ancestor of a node by maintaining the visit time and the DFS call stack during the recursive dfs calls.

    Sharing my solution for D, Submission

19 месяцев назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Where is the editorial?