hehezhou's blog

By hehezhou, history, 23 months ago, In English

Hi everyone,

X-Camp Academy will provide a free USACO Mock test on Jan 21st, 4 PM-8 PM pacific time. Open to all, free.

A brief introduction to X-Camp (x-camp.org): A silicon valley based institute focusing on foundation buildup for the majority of students, and competitive programming for students who are passionate about competitions. Systematic curriculum from beginner to master class level. Nearly 20 USACO Platinum division contestants in the past 2 years. 5 students entered US National Camp in the past two years and two current students are among the top 10 from 22/23 Season Dec Platinum Division. 

Some highlights: 

a. Problems arranged by X-Camp Academy teaching research team and catching the newest USACO problem trends.

b. Simulation of a real competition environment. Best preparation for what’s to be expected for the coming USACO contest in late Jan (Jan 27 to Jan 30).

c. Covering Bronze to Platinum levels.

Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdk77nTSw4Ebs59Kt_Ue9o7Kwd9i9uR36wA6qXG_4eHYE1xqQ/viewform

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