Everyone Should Virtual Participate In Former Chinese Official Rounds, Their Problem Of Very Good Quality
For Example, In The Provincial Team Selection Contest That Recently Ended, It Got Excellent Problems. I Especially recommened the T2 in Day 1. Its Statement Is Clear And Inspiring And The Testcases Are Well Designed.
Also T1 in Day 2. The Time Limit Is Well Designed.
stop spreading your chinese propaganda here. stick to eating bats and creating more pandemics
WhiteSupremacy's Contribution: -46
stop saying unpopular words!
-47 now
best way to stop something like this is to just not vote and interact at all
maybe you're right
-48 now
dude's entire shtick is just to be controversial, like a sad pathetic reddit user. maybe stick to the outdoor world bud
Why exactly is promoting Chinese contests spreading propaganda? The round is actually of high quality. I suggest you stop spreading hate and prejudice among the Codeforces community.
Your username alone exposes the rotting core of your pathetic attempt at discourse. While you vomit racist tropes forged in your colonial ancestors' brutality, China builds global infrastructure, eradicates poverty for 800 million people, and leads in green energy — meanwhile your ilk's 'supremacy' legacy includes slavery, smallpox blankets, and Charlottesville torch marches. The only pandemic here is your disease of hate — a shameful heritage of genocide and stolen land. When your ancestors were burning 'witches' and bathing in sewage, Chinese scholars were advancing mathematics and medicine. Take your blood-soaked hypocrisy back to your cousin-marrying backwoods enclave. We'll keep revolutionizing while your dying empire chokes on its own racism and fast food.
You've stopped acting?
Agree. You can try to VP the excellent round.
First the contest is in a NO-FEEDBACK mode, so you can only test samples locally while you don't know the actual speed of the grader. The grader may slower of faster than your current computer, but there are $$$2$$$ problems have great time limit (Day1 B, Day2 A) so that you will easily receive the verdict TLE when the score has announced.
Second The the problem B have great time limit. The algorithm of $$$\frac{nq}{8}$$$ received a score between $$$44$$$ and $$$88$$$, and $$$\frac{nq}{w}$$$(Official Solution's time complexity) received a score between $$$88$$$ and $$$100$$$, all because of TLE.
Third The algorithm of $$$nq$$$ easily passed all of the testcases of B even it's easy to hack. A number of participates used this solution to pass the problem and successfully became a member of the provincial team.
You can try to VP it to feel the great quality of Chinese OI.