We will hold AtCoder Regular Contest 158.
- Contest URL: https://atcoder.jp/contests/arc158
- Start Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20230312T2100&p1=248
- Duration: 120 minutes
- Number of Tasks: 6
- Writer: maspy
- Tester: potato167, Nyaan
- Rated range: — 2799
The point values will be 300-500-500-800-800-900.
We are looking forward to your participation!
C++20 support when
Just wait for C++23...
C++20 support when
This platform is not Luogu, so you should think before write this comment.
Note to self: brute force for n<=5
That was actually not a bad note, considering it was before the round even started
Thanks. But, I still couldn't solve A.
E seems to be an easy version of https://qoj.ac/problem/888
Unfortunately a variant of problem E already appeared on HackerRank.
ohno,but it seems that the quality of the other problems is high
D is a nice troll problem
How did you solve it? I figured out pretty quickly that $$$y=ax, z=bx$$$ has a good chance of giving a solvable linear equation for $$$x$$$ and tried $$$a=2$$$ and sequentially $$$b=3,4,\ldots$$$. Seems it always works fast enough even if I don't have hard proof.
My solution is identical to the editorial.
I could have solved E if I've not forgotten sorting the array before binary search.
Stop learning useless algorithms, learn how to use binary search.
what's the essential difference between hard problems(rated maybe 2000) and easy ones(maybe 1000). Is it the depth upto which you have to think? I am facing a dilemma here.
Well I think it that the diffirence between easy problems and the hard problems is that in hard problems the solution is more complex and need to learn some tricks to solve it.
so when we train our brain to be able to think upto a certain complexity, we can easily solve those problems.. right? So this is how to improve..? this my alt account :)
You know that problems usually have two types: classical and adhoc. Classical need more practice and adhoc need more smarts. But if we practice really a lot, then the adhoc problems can be classical, too.
In a word, the more you practice, the better you will be.
But i think it's hard to jump ratings while we practice. I am astonished at my improvement but I can't imagine myself solving 1900 rated problems
yes, so just do some a little harder than your skills problems
Thanks :) I'd like to see you write some blogs soon ;)
You can try https://recommender.codedrills.io/ to solve codeforces problems and kenkoooo to solve AtCoder problems
And also, without practicing, classical can also to be adhoc, too.
Here is another approach for D from lijunyi.
Let $$$y=kx,z=k^2x$$$, we get:
If $$$k^2+k+1\not=0$$$, $$$k^{2n}+k^n+1\not=0$$$, $$$k^{4n}+k^{2n}+1\not=0$$$, $$$k^{6n}+k^{3n}+1\not=0$$$, we can get $$$x$$$, so the problem is solved.
Let us randomize $$$k$$$ until we get $$$x$$$.
But the approach can't pass when $$$p = 7$$$ or $$$19$$$, you can use simple $$$O(p^3)$$$ brute solutions solve them.
I can't prove that, but it passed all cases.
after solutions of my own and from editorial I still don't get why B is not 200 pts but 500
Here's my solution of D without randomization: https://www.luogu.com.cn/blog/Leasier/solution-ARC158D (in Chinese).