Prabhxs's blog

By Prabhxs, history, 22 months ago, In English

I have been doing CP from past few months, and that too consistently(there is a break for 4-5 months in my rating graph, I was actively practicing during that phase, and wasn't giving contest, "because I lose my confidence").

But I haven;t seen much growth, I have seen people touching expert effortlessly with this much practise, "am I that dumb?".

Any advice for me on how to practice or something else, because I really wanna know where I am going wrong. :( Any kind of help/advice/suggestion would be highly appreciated.

Attaching my Atcoder Profile: Prabhxs

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22 months ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by Prabhxs (previous revision, new revision, compare).

22 months ago, # |
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Yes, you are DUMB if you are making a blog for this. There are 1000+ blogs like this. Go and read any of them but listen, don't practice hard questions because it may help you to improve.**Keep wasting your time**.

22 months ago, # |
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It is not enough just to solve problems, one of the most important skills is solution analysis. You have to ask yourself "why does it work like this? what happens if I write this as a test, but not another?" and etc.

22 months ago, # |
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Please dear god just search up someone else's blog on the topic but I'll show you what's wrong anyway.

You have done an insane 1355 problems with only 10 of them being above 1700 rating. The basic rule of thumb is to be practicing problems of a difficulty 200 above where are / want to be soon . Just stop doing problems below 1500 for practice.

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    22 months ago, # ^ |
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    Thanks for the reminder, I was already thinking couple of days ago that the Codeforces search is not working. Is it just me or is anyone else suffering too?

22 months ago, # |
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Wanna growth? The recipe is simple: just use sun and water like a plants do :)

22 months ago, # |
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I looked at your graphs and saw growth. That's an area where you can improve: don't stick to false assumptions.

22 months ago, # |
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My suggestion is to solve more problems in the range 1800-2000 (since you have done a lot of problems <=1700 already). And some problems in the higher difficulty in the topics which you are interested in. That will help you to understand the ideas which are used in difficult problems. This might lead you to solve till D in the contest or harder C's become easy for you.

22 months ago, # |
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Try problems in the range of 1700 to 2000.

22 months ago, # |
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If you are considering yourself in a bad phase then just have a look at my graph :)

22 months ago, # |
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