Errichto's blog

By Errichto, 19 months ago, In English

Here's the previous edition and the video recordings (CEOI 2016, 2017, 2022, two lectures).

Hi. I'm again conducting an online IOI preparation camp in collaboration with Huawei. Every day will be a 5-hour virtual contest, the problem analysis, and sometimes a lecture. Contests will consist of POI problems, and there might be a single day from BOI or CEOI. The example lecture topics are those from Range Queries or Trees in Usaco Guide Platinum.

The camp is free for IOI 2023 participants and coaches. You can register a few extra students if you're a country team-leader (then send me a msg in CF or email at [email protected]). There will be a Discord server and a leaderboard. For everybody else, the video recordings will be posted on Youtube after the camp.

Dates: around 8-16.08
Time of every analysis/lecture: 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST
Platform: Discord, Szkopul, CSES
Registration: write a message to gupta_samarth with your name, country and Discord handle (necessary!), and information if you're an IOI participant. Or you can reach via Discord directly, same username. UPDATE: Reach out to me directly if you're a coach and you want to register multiple students.

Schedule: (work in progress)
8.08 — POI 2019
9.08 — POI 2013
10.08 — day off
11.08 — POI 2017
12.08 — POI 2019
13.08 — day off
14.08 — CEOI 2021? Or maybe 2017/2018/2020?
15.08 — maybe CEOI 2023 mirror
16.08 — CEOI 2021?
17.08 — maybe CEOI 2023 mirror

Big thanks to Huawei UK R&D for sponsoring this camp.

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19 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +24 Vote: I do not like it

I was really waiting for this !

btw, who should we contact with to register ?

  • »
    19 months ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +32 Vote: I do not like it

    I've updated the blog. Reach out to gupta_samarth via Discord or Codeforces. Include your name, country and Discord handle.

19 months ago, # |
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We got some questions from team leaders who want to register a few extra students. That's fine, just reach out to me directly and describe it.

16 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Did you uploaded to youtube IOI camp 2023?if yes can you share link?