MavrosOplarxigos's blog

By MavrosOplarxigos, history, 19 months ago, In English

I have done some search online but couldn't find anything so I'm asking here for anybody that knows. I'm not asking if it will be mirrored specifically in Codeforces but in general if anyone knows. I know the last years it was not but I'm wondering if this year the organizers/technical committee decided to mirror it or not. Thanks!

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19 months ago, # |
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Fight the good fight good sir

19 months ago, # |
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As a year ago, I'm ready to put problems on codeforces as soon as the archive is made available. I was not contacted by organizers about setting anything up in advance, and obviously don't have access to problems without that.

Adding problems without statements should take couple of hours per day, if there is nothing too special in problems (like IOI2012 odometer for example, or I don't know a problem with five solution runs). So, if archives would be made available right after the competition day end, you can expect them to appear on codeforces by the contest day evening.

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    18 months ago, # ^ |
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    I remember back in the day when I competed in a regional ICPC contest in Romania (SEERC region) the contest was uploaded some time afterwards (maybe a month) and one was able to submit and retry solving problems and a PDF with the tasks was available. Here is the gym contest.

    On a site note: The only problem with this example is that no editorial is given and you can't view the solutions to a certain problem from other people. This was the only blog I found for it. Specifically for the problem Numbers it's been so many years and I haven't figured out a solution to it yet. During the contest it was solved by nobody. I tried contacting some of the people who solved in Codeforces to share with me their solution and nobody gives an answer back.