In the Div-2 Educational codeforces contest held recently, I got AC for problem B(Shifts and Sorting) in the Pre-tests and even during hacking. But after system testing, my code got reviewed as a compilation error on the first test case itself. I submitted the same code again just now and it got AC twice(Once I submmited directly in Codeforces and another time, I uploaded the original Java file again from my local system). I have now as a result ended up with a significant negative delta rating instead of the expected positive delta I was predicted to get. Could anyone please tell if something can be done or what I should do?
Submission file which got CE:
Same exact code which got AC:
Hi MikeMirzayanov sir, could you or anyone else please look into it once?
Hi, I've fixed it. The rating will be recalculated once the cheaters have been processed.
Thank you very much sir for the quick response along with the fix and for taking note of the issue, I sincerely appreciate it a lot.
Hope the cheaters are caught and ratings are revised soon.