Can the set bit be counted at each position throughout the range [L, R]? 1 <= L, R <= 10^12
Example : [5, 13]
5: 101
6: 110
7: 111
8: 1000
9: 1001
10: 1010
11: 1011
12: 1100
13: 1101
0th position : 5
1st position : 4
2nd position : 5
3rd position : 6
I think we can using digit dp on binary representation of number
Can you Implement it !!.
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Bro Look at Constraint
You can see the O(LogN) 273619610 solution which describes in below of this page
It's not what it's
Digit Dp and maybe Gray code can be used.
Use the fact that the bits at ith position alternate after every 2^i numbers. So for a bit i, find the first number after L which has it set call it L_set, and first number below L which has it un-set called it L_unset this can be done in constant time. Similarly do it for R also, now that you know the range — [L_unset+1, R_unset-1] has a multiple of 2^i numbers and you know L_unset, L_set, R_unset and R_set you can subtract the out of range elements from this count.
So I've to find every first number that is set at ith index and then count the 2^i time.
no pre-computing is required we can do that at every query for L and R as it takes constant time, that's better imo
For i. bit,
$$$f(X)$$$ will give count of numbers in $$$1 \leq y \leq X$$$
You can see the contrubition pattern is $$$i$$$ number of 0s, $$$i$$$ number of 1s, $$$i$$$ number of 0s, etc.
So if $$$X$$$ equals $$$2^{(i + 1)} \times y$$$, count is $$$2^i \times y$$$
Else, divide it into 2 parts: $$$2^{(i + 1)} \times y$$$, and another part, $$$Z$$$, which is in $$$0 \leq Z \le 2^{(i + 1)}$$$, and the first part calculation is the same.
We can say for another part their contrubition pattern is $$$i$$$ numbers of 0 and $$$i$$$ number of 1. (Not any more)
If it is smaller than $$$2^i$$$, its contribution is 0
Else its contrubition is $$$Z - 2^i$$$
And answer for i. bit is $$$f(R) - f(L - 1)$$$
Bro it's hard to be understand can you simplify it.
It is about contribution pattern.
Example if we consider i=1, pattern is like 0011 0011 0011 0011...
So you need only count 1s in this pattern
You can use the fact that the first bit is going to appear 1 time every 2 numbers, the second bit is going to appear 2 times every 4 number, the third bit 4 times every 8 numbers and so on
Hi, you can try this. Given function computes total set bits from 1 to A. You can either use it as f(R) — f(L-1) or modify this function itself to compute it directly from L->R.
It runs in O(32) and uses the fact that at a given bit position, there's always a repetitive pattern. I'll leave the rest to you for figuring out.
I recently created a video on this topic. I also created a practice problem. You can submit your code here
It make Sense
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