DLSdufer's blog

By DLSdufer, history, 7 months ago, In English

Hi everybody, recently I've been doing lots of CF contests to prep for USACO silver

However contests always seem to be at Moscow Time 17:35

For a Chinese like me, contests are at 22:35 to usually about 1:00. This wasn't that much of a problem when it was summer break, but now school's about to start, and I just want to ask why is this?

I've also seen some contests being hosted at 17:00(+8) and people were happy the times were fitting for China for the Chinese New Year contest(iirc), also seen some contests hosted at 20:35(2 hrs earlier), and I would like to ask why is this?

I do understand that most of the people on this website are from Russia and the United States, and 17:35 is after-evening time and for US its early morning, but I would like to ask to consider for global students.

I'm not necessarily complaining but just wondering why so many contests are locked at that time, I do think people have asked this before but yeah.


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7 months ago, # |
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chinese doing usaco?

spare me

7 months ago, # |
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It used to be more diverse before, like many contests were held -2 ~ +2 hours from the current 'standard' time depending on the writers' preference. I guess people prefer having a fixed contest time so that they don't need to check the exact time for each contest.

7 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

For reference, Codeforces Round 953 (Div. 2) was on different time and I completely miss it since I just lazi-ly remember the default time for every contest