mike (creator of codeforces) has been rigging contests for tourist. according to sources, he was giving tourist early access to the problems before the contests, so he solved all the problems before it even started. i heard mike did this because he thought it would be good for tourist to get 4k since it would boost the popularity of the website, as he is the most popular cper in the world. does mike deserve to get fired for this let me know in the comments
Please link the sources. Don't fake things give solid proofs.
my sources are very reliable but i cannot tell you. they want to remain private
It's private so it maybe FAKE.
Only if you tell the sources, we will stop thinking this new as a joke.
Don't use blogs as platform for writing stories that boil in your head. I can understand bout CF what about onsite contests that tourist has won?
Source — Trust me Bro
bait used to be believable
it's true. I am one of those leaked problems.
Happy for you....atleast you are solved.
i will post proof at 10 upvotes
you will reach 10 upvotes if you post the proof(if it's believable...)
He meant 10 contribution xD
Do you need to know that recently jiangly received a higher score than Tourist? Did Mike intentionally do it? What's the point? Tourist has won the IOI championship and World Final championship many times in a row, which is just jealousy among many people. However, these ridiculous rumors cannot change the fact that Tourist is a programming Legendary Grandmaster.