It seems like all GIFs in problem statements are broken.
Remember when the triangle in the notes section of 2009D - Satyam and Counting used to animate? I sure did, because I spent 2 hours making it (5 minutes on the actual GIF and the other 115 minutes on compressing the image size). Now it's just a static image D;
It's worth noting that Polygon never supported GIFs, I just converted my GIF to an APNG then uploaded it as a PNG as described in this comment.
But it's a new era now and that has broken as well. If anyone finds any other bypasses, then please let me know. Otherwise, KAN and MikeMirzayanov may have to actually implement GIFs D;
ratio me
not you again
I remember this happening to me in a blog recently, thought it was something wrong with my computer or browser, but I guess not.
I have a plan.
when you enter a random icpc contest in gym, there are some "contest materials" that giving some necessary files. and you may see that, some of them, are actually uploaded as the "attachment" of the contest. like . I guess this is also a good plan to upload gifs.
altho idk if this works on gif, since I never used polygon.
I'll take a look on it.
wanted to bump this
I've just uploaded GIFs to polygon and it's rendered normally (but the not animated images bug still there)
erm , bump
i think you are the most lifeless person i know till now