Всем привет!
Совсем скоро, 18 сентября в 19:30 MSK, состоится Codeforces Round #267 (Div. 2), автором которого являюсь я. Это мой первый раунд и я надеюсь, что не последний.
Спасибо Феде Коробейникову (Mediocrity) и Леше Вистяжу (netman) за помощь в тестировании и подготовке раунда. Также хочу выразить благодарность Геральду Агапову (Gerald) за помощь в подготовке задач, Марие Беловой (Delinur) за перевод условий на английский язык и Михаилу Мирзаянову (MikeMirzayanov) за Codeforces и Polygon.
Я надеюсь, что каждый найдет себе задачу по вкусу, а также с головой окунется в студенческую жизнь.
Разбалловка стандартная.
Удачи! =)
Поздравляем победителей!
Удачного старта!
Это он Yury_Bandarchuk-у.
А, я не верил.
тааакой беспалевный мульти-аккаунт
То чувство когда твин говорит тебе что ты твин.
Third Belarusian contest for last 2 months:)
And I hope not the last:D
Прожил две недели в общаге.
Уже считает себя крутым студентом.
А сам ест в Маке и покупает "резиновые" блинчики в магазинах с тараканами.
Юра, он такой)
При том, что задачи со студенческой жизнью ну никак связаны не будут )
А откуда такая уверенность?
Заложил пацана.
Минутка беларусской солидарности на кодфорсес.
Не очень хочется начинать затяжной и бессмысленный спор, но все же "белОрусской"
"Не очень хочется начинать спор, но я, пожалуй, тебя публично исправлю" — норм, чё)
А на английском правильно White Russia будет, инфа100.
Ну, вообще-то, можно либо "белАруСкий", либо "белОруССкий", как хочешь. В данном случае Rubanenko сделал,к сожалению, орфографическую ошибку.
З.Ы. хотя такую ошибку делают и беларусы.
Я думал, там вторая "с" от суффикса пришла :(
I think this time it's better to not hope for math! If you remember problem B of last contest (round #266), most of the passed solutions, failed in system testing! Also right now it has less accepts than problem C of that contest!
Good Luck!
I liked question B even though my solution got hacked. It did not seem tough(probably because it was level B and I was expecting it to be easy) at first look but required careful observation.
First time participating out of competition!
All the best for your round, Yura!
Thanks a lot
netman From grey to red , your graph is awesome it gives hope =D
Thank you!
thanks Too ^_^
And netman's graph will be much more interesting if his rating goes from red to grey again and becomes lower than worse :D
don't u mean
netman's graph will be much more interesting if his rating goes from red to grey again and becomes
lowerworse than worse :DThe time link on this blog is broken, but according to the contest schedule, the contest will be held on Sep 18th 2014 at 19:30 MSK. So it will start while the CF Training Episode 2 will be running. Therefore, I think the schedule should be changed so that people can take part in both contest and training.
I'll think about it. It seems I'll move 2014-2015 CT S02E02: Codeforces Trainings Season 2 Episode 2 (CTU Open 2011 + misc).
Why my 1st question is skipped?
worse, я на тебя надеюсь
Он больше не сможет официально принимать участие в контестах div2.. Теперь последнее место снова свободно!
Откуда инфа?
Нормально все. SC_pRo_ION, не надо нас обманывать)
Хммм, а вдруг он див1? :D
Но мне все же кажется, что нижнюю границу второго дива не учли при написании КФа. Хотя посмотрим, что будет :)
Эту нижнюю границу уже столько раз упоминали, что, мне кажется, если даже и не учли когда-то, то уже давно всё исправили.
Does "the student" also have too much biology homework?? -_-
Удачи всем! Думаю что все напишут хорошо.
Вряд ли. Как минимум половина напишет плохо.
Для всех понятие "плохо" разное)
Парнишка не разу не решил во время контеста D задачу... может и я смогу стать проблемсеттером?
Поправка: Coder Strike я не учитывал, и была таки одна решенная D.
по мне так. составить задачу проще, чем решить чужую. Во время контеста у тебя 2 часа и кроме задачи D, у тебя есть еще A,B,C. А на составление задачи у тебя есть сколь угодно времени, и емакс под рукой.
Да и я думаю, если Gerald пропустил задачи в раунд, то все ок.
На самом деле я против него ничего не говорю. Меня наоборот его пример мотивирует. Я придумал пару задачек, но заниматься полноценной подготовкой контеста как-то лень. А увидев его, может всё таки решусь.
P.S. При участии в div1 помимо задачи D есть только задача C.
составить задачу проще, чем решить чужую — научите:) Я тоже так хочу, чтобы составлять было проще, чем решать:) За это ведь еще и деньги дают:)
Я, кстати, не понял, как емакс поможет при составлении задач. Можете сразу и этому научить:)
А умение составлять задачи/их качество по рейтингу нельзя угадать. Вот после раунда уже можно будет сказать, насколько перспективный человек в роли автора.
never heard about Codefocres before :)
I know. Focre.
Following standard procedures, I have to communicate that:
This is my first round out of competition!!! :-)
I really don't feel prepared for Div 1 right now, seems like I got lucky last round...
Hope today I do a good job and build up some confidence for my first Div 1 round!!
Yeah, same, my solution for E last time was apparently flawed but worked because of weak testdata.
Поучаствовал бы, но завтра на первую пару, а ложиться спать в 5 часов ночи после раунда и вставать в 6:45 на учебу — как-то не круто, да еще и на пять пар.
Да и одной из мотиваций нет — участие для повышения/понижения рейтинга (или просто ради строчки во вкладке профиля "Соревнования"), а другая мотивация ослаблена — взломы (div1 явно сложнее поймать на глупых ошибках в логике и коде).
Раунды в пятницу, субботу и воскресенье рулят.
P.S. Воскресенье — я не мазахист, просто в понедельник я не учусь =)
А всю же публику КФ волнует, будешь ли ты писать это раунд или нет.
В моём сообщение суть не в том, участвую я или нет, а в размышлениях о том, почему я не участвую.
Мотивация — будет удобная причина пропустить одну или несколько из пяти запланированных пар:) Хотя в середине сентября для этого и причин не надо:)
Да нет, ты что, метрология и макроэкономика — очень важные пары, прям не знаю как жить буду без них.
I hope that the contest can be earlier so that I needn't stay up late. (I'm from China)
Nope, I love this time, in China, I always get up at 11:00am and go to bed at 3:00am, now I'm in very good health!
lol, you should see the sunrise with more frequency. It is good for your brain!
wow , over 4000 registered . Hope CF doesnt crash & can fully function. Good luck & high rating to all :)
Elo rating system can't provide high ratings to all ! therefore good luck to all !
i know that , but that doesnt mean i cant hope for high rating to all ^_^
unfortunately it crashes at the beginning of the contest, when most of the participants are submitting for problem A.. Hope that future contests will run smoothly :)
Hope to enjoy it!
Nice to meet you~
Seems to be a good contest :D Good luck everyone ...
don't miss to surprise us with scoring system just before the start of the contest :D
10 minutes left. What about score distribution? Good Luck.
wow final number of registration users is x4777
Lucky Number
Actually, x4776.
Actually it's my fault I didn't make a screenshot :D it was x4777 but I don't know what happened
And now it's 4775 :D
2 minutes before the contest. Still unknown score distributions.
what about scores?
long queue!
Worse is on a comeback! He solved the first 2 problems in 9 minutes!
Whoops.. nothing can change him :D
See now, Seems like he is back on usual track :)
don't let that fool u. he solves problems just so that he can get Pretests passed and then hack others (unsuccessfully, ofcourse).
There should be an online issue redressal system. Commenting on the problem to get clarifications from the problem setter depending upon the language of the problem. Or is there already existing?
Вечный холивар: нужны сказки или нет.
Мне нравятся сказки. Иногда условие в сказке выглядит логичнее, и думать в терминах сказки проще. Поэтому я предлагаю авторам следить за тем, чтобы сказки не противоречили мат.модели.
Я хочу крепко пожать руку тому гению, который придумал несимметричное отношение "быть синонимами". Как до такого вообще можно догадаться?!
И остальные сказки. Лучше было бы без них, правда.
10 мин. смотрел и непонимал, почему в первом примере ответ не "1 3"...
New superstar!
P.S. Nothing can change worse :D
apparently, fiterr can. :D
Как решать C?
ДП[количество взятых отрезков][позиция]
dp[i][j] — максимальная сумма заканчивающаяся в i, поделённая на j частей размера m.
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-m][j-1] + sum[i-m + 1] -sum[i + 1],dp[i-1][j]);
sum[i] = a[i] + a[i + 1] + ... + a[n]
И тогда еще вопрос, почему неправильно k раз брать максимальный по сумме подотрезок длины m и удалять его из массива?
Потому что тогда может получиться отрезок из двух частей, которые не были соседними. UPD Тест: 10 3 2 1 1 1 99 100 100 100 99 99 1
Я это понимал, рассуждал так: значит можно было так изменить предыдущий взятый подотрезок, чтобы выполнялось данное условие
мой ответ: 597
Огромное спасибо авторам за хорошие тесты!!! Контрпример:
Как решается D(Div 2)?
присваиваем каждой уникальной строке номер. Строим граф. Потом обходим дфсом и для каждого слова находим минимум.
In problem B, if x[i] could be zero, i'm sure there would be many hacks! Because i saw many users in my room which said while (num>0) and if num was zero, their code wouldn't work!
Damn!! What was the tricky test case for C? My solution got hacked.
4000 60 60 0 0 ... 0
5000 1 5000 1000000000 1000000000 ... 1000000000
I got two hacks with these
This is just great. I got hacked because Python has failed me yet again. Maximum recursion depth exceeded. So cruel
How to solve C?
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-m][j-1])
Can you be more elaborate, please? What does the dp state (i, j) signify?
Would you please elaborate
It should be dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-m][j-1] + sum[i] — sum[i-m])
sum[i] = a[1] + a[2] + ... + a[i];
dp[i][j]: In first i numbers, you choose j pairs. you can get the max ans.
Actually his algorithm is also correct !
DP : dp[i][j] denotes optimal answer when we choose i m-length sub-arrays before index j+1. Also b[j] is sum of first j elements of array. Then : dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j-1],b[j]-b[j-m]+dp[i-1][j-m]); //You either choose j-m+1...j as a sub-array or not.
what is the hack case for D? is it about cycles?
I guess it is about overflow.
Answer could not fit in 32-bits type.
How come? The total input length could not exceed 5*10^5 =>
Answer <= Total input size.UPD: Thanks for explaining the test case. While the number of r's will be <= total input size, the total length of final words <= 5*10^10.
let referat = "r" 100000 times
let "a"*100000 and "r" be synonyms.
r r r r r ... r
r eeee...eee(100000)
Oh oh oh ... you mean in case of minimizing the R ... we pick a long string each time that the total len will be larger than 32-bits?!
Challenge Accepted :D Nice Hacks !!
I've changed int to long long but unfortunately the new verdict was TL :(
First find the R's and Len of each string store it somewhere by an ID and work with these numbers.
That should work!
How to do C?
DP : dp[i][j] denotes optimal answer when we choose i m-length sub-arrays before index j+1. Also b[j] is sum of first j elements of array. Then : dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j-1],b[j]-b[j-m]+dp[i-1][j-m]); //You either choose j-m+1...j as a sub-array or not.
Nice solution. I definitely need to learn DP.
What is the approach to solve D ? I tried to solve it by dp with state st(index , no. of r , cur_len ). Will this represent a unique state or not ?
i did it by simple dfs. Will see is wrong or not after systests
Simple DFS+DP won't work. You'll need SCC+DP.
aha. WA25.
what's SCC? got WA 25 dunno why.
Strongly connected components
You don't need to keep all of the edges. If you just keep the edges like st1 -> st2 witch no. of r in st2 is strictly smaller than st1, your graph will be DAG and you don't need SCC! :)
(You also have to keep the edges between states with same no. of r if endpoint of the edge have smaller length)
I don't think I quite understand your approach. Could you please elaborate for this case:
i don't think this is right.
if we can change r to rrrrrrrr, and rrrrrrrr to e, it will be best answer.
maybe just didn't understand u
Yes you are right.
simple dfs + dfs + dp work.
first, we need to answer d[v] = min(d[v], d[to]) before dfs.
now, answer of cycle in 1 element of the cycle.
next dfs, we share answer to all parts of cycle, so here u can not use SCC
here is the code http://codeforces.net/contest/467/submission/7850107
Nice technique, thanks :)
I love DP .... :)
Nice Problem C ... :)
Why my 1st is skipped despite doing only 1 submission http://codeforces.net/contest/467/my :(
Consider this case:
rrr rrrr
rrrr e
or even this one:
eee efef
efef a
Why my 1st is skipped???
Submissions are skipped when exactly the same code is submitted before and judged.
I have submitted the code for problem A only once
It has also happened to one of my friend. Only submitted a single code to a problem but it was skipped with "JUDGEMENT CALL".
Why my 1st question is skipped?
How in problem C two same solution one got Accepted by c++ and other got memory limit by java?
Moreover, some solutions get ML on Java7, but AC on Java8.
Yes my solution on java 7 when I changed it to java 8 got Accepted . Very bad judging :(
I think, redjudge with ml 512 is a good idea.
We have to make revolution to rejudge all ml in problem C.
Why my 1st question is skipped?
if two person submit the same code it will be skipped ;)
Хотел оставить это здесь без комментариев: 7842813 7842768 7841387
но слишком плохой код (по задаче С), чтобы сообщество читало его, дабы понять возмущение. Думаю, что почти авторское решение получает ML или AC в зависимости от версии Java.
Отдельно не понятно по посылке 7833131 — здесь же ~190MB забирается...
UPD: да, можно сократить использование памяти, храня не всю матрицу ДП. Но получив 190МБ из 256 я бы не стал усложнять код
Похоже что на полигоне сейчас Java 8. А не так давно была Java 6.
А различия между ними бывают гигантские, как в одну, так и в другую сторону. Мне кажется, что что-то криво на Codeforces настроено.
Решать можно с O(n) памяти. Достаточно хранить последние m + 1 слоя динамики. смотрите мое решение: 7836016.
Смотрите мое сообщение выше. Да, можно. Только посчитав, что решение укладывается почти с полуторным запасом по памяти, зачем придумывать способ с расходом памяти O(n), когда задача написать код быстро и не усложнять его.
How to solve D and E, could someone can teach me ? thanks.
How to solve D ?
realy HARD approch :|||| just sort the nodes and make dfs from sorted nodes :| look at my solution for better undrestanding
I'll Try to explain my solution.
Let's forget about the words we have for now and focus on the synonyms. Let's model the problem as a directed graph problem with vertices as the words we have in the dictionary and there is and edge from word
to wordb
if worda
can replace wordb
. Each word has a cost of <Number of Rs,Length>, If the cost of some worda
is smaller than the cost of some wordb
, then it's always better to substitute worda
with wordb
. But Notice that wordb
can also be replaced by another wordc
for example ifc
has a smaller cost.So the first solution that comes to your mind is a simple dfs from each word to find the word with the smallest cost to be replaced with. The problem with this idea is cycles. If you started at some word and through the dfs you went back to that node again then words of this cycle can replace each other and the optimal solution is that they are replaced with the word with the smallest cost.
Wikipedia : "A graph is said to be strongly connected if every vertex is reachable from every other vertex". So words of a certain strongly connected component here can replace each other so let's find all strongly connected components and treat them as one node with cost equal to the minimum of the costs of the node of this component.
In our new graph there is an edge from node
to nodeb
, if there is any edge in the old graph starting from any node in componenta
and ending in any node in componentb
. Now we are sure that in our new graph there isn't any cycles and we can run the dfs we mentioned before to get the cost of the representative node of each strongly connected component.Finally back to our words, The cost of a certain word is the cost of the representative node of the SCC in which this node lies.
Note A common hack in this problem was that the answer may not fit into a 32-bit integer.
Here is my solution 7840587, I hope you understood my explanation :)
Easy to understand.Thanks! :)
Can you check if there is some issue with "Memory Limit Exceeded"?
http://codeforces.net/contest/467/submission/7840542 — This failed on 14th test case with Memory Limit Exceeded
http://codeforces.net/contest/467/submission/7842953 — This failed on 3rd test case with same error. This is supposed to use less memory (I halved a array size) than above solution. That passed 3rd case and this failed. (I checked that both are same test case)
Couldn't one solve C with segment tree? I've almost implemented it, hadn't enough time, but don't know if such a solution would pass tests.
I submitted 7840896 and 7841275. The only difference between these two codes is \n character at the top of printf. Although, they give different verdicts (wrong answer on pretest 2 and wrong answer on pretest 4). How is that possible?
I tried to hack this problem with m=1000, as the coder stored the value in 1001 th index. But he/she declared array like a[1000]. My hacking was unsuccessful ... How did it happen ??? :(
submission link... 7839186
your submission link is wrong it will be 7839186
Unlike java, which directly gives out of bounds exception, C++ silently tries to access the memory index.
Two cases can occur:
1. the memory access is not allocated to the current program: in this case it is SIGSEGV(e.g. allocating a[1000] and accessing 10^7th element.
2. The memory access is allocated to current program: like allocating a[1000] and b[1000] and then accessing a[1005] could give some element of b since such small arrays are allocated mostly contiguous. So, if the memory access does not cause SIGSEGV and is not altered by an intermediate code logic, it will behave as normal (extended) part of array, and hence the program gives correct answer.
When will the ratings be updated ???
Why is my code giving Garbage on Pretest 1? Works fine on ideone and codeblocks.
It is contest too???
Codeforces temporary is unvialable...
You are accessing i-l index in ans[i-l] . When i=1,l=m then you are accessing negative indices, which gives unpredictable behavior.
Мне кажется, реджадж "С" с мл 512 был бы справедлив.
сообщение для компенсации изменения вклада (минусуем, если плюсовали предыдущее из-за согласия и наоборот). Жаль, что до сих пор нет голосования.
Вот бы на кф добавились опросы что бы людям не приходилось так делать.
Мне http://strawpoll.me/ нравится, удобно создавать опросы
А Вам не кажется, что если задачу пропустили с такими ограничениями, то с ней все в порядке?
Не кажется. Аргументирую:
Если автор хотел увидеть решения с оптимизацией расхода памяти — тогда надо было ставить МЛ так, чтобы не проходили точно такие же решения на другом языке или другой версии. 128мб, насколько я понимаю, как раз то ограничение, которое не пропустит не оптимизированный расход памяти.
Если автор не требовал оптимизации в ДП — тогда 512мб было бы справедливо, так как решение на Джава7 и аналогичное решение на плюсах или Джава8 получали бы одинаковые вердикты.
Хотелось бы послушать аргументы, перебивающие вышесказанное.
Why did my solution time out on test 22..? I used top down approach with memoization.. I think my complexity is O(nk) which is the complexity of most accepted solutions..
you have n*k nodes ans each node use O(n) to update so O(n^2 * k ) in total ;)
Ohh thanks a lot.. Can you please give a hint on how to modify my solution to make it O(nk).. ?
From every position there is effectively only one possible transition. Either start an interval from that point, hence you need not consider the next m-1 points and skip directly to the i + m point with number of intervals formed increased by 1. Otherwise do not start an interval and hence move to next index with number of intervals remaining the same. P.S. Have a look at my solution for better understanding. :)
I think that you did not check the exit condition when y == n+1 you should return
Your complexity is actually O(kn^2). Number of states is kn and from each state you are doing n transitions.
I came up with another DP solution for C, but its complexity is O(N^2*K).
Here is the code: 7844088 where dp[r][k] is the maximum sum that we can obtain using k non-overlapping intervals and the last picked interval is [r-m+1,r].
It's a pretty straight forward DP solution, but it's too slow. What is the way of thinking for reducing the time complexity? I can see others used the same idea but they have O(1) per update, while I have O(N). I seriously can't grasp the other idea, especially the proof that it works. It's hard for me to visualize a DP solution and recursion. Could someone willing try to explain it like I just learned about DP?
When I'm coding a DP solution I usually feel like I'm using my intuition, rather than my deduction skills.
Как решать Е быстрее чем за c огромной константой? Зашло на плюсах за 1778мс, что видимо не предполагалось авторами.
Для каждого i найдем максимальный j=f[i], такой, что a[j] — первый элемент четверки, a[i] — последний.
Найдем все пары одинаковых чисел, из которых можно построить оптимальные четверки. Таких пар не больше 2n, потому что невыгодно пропускать больше одного вхождения a[i], т. к. a[i] a[i] a[i] a[i] — корректная четверка.
f[i] найдем в оффлайне. Пары сгруппируем по индексу первого элемента и будем обрабатывать их группами по возрастанию начала.
Будем поддерживать дерево отрезков T с таким инвариантом: если обработаны все пары, с начальным индексом <= X, то T[i] равно максимальному началу из всех обработанных пар, заканчивающихся в i-й позиции.
Обработка группы с одинаковым началом заключается в следующем:
1) Для каждой пары [L; R] прорелаксируем f[R] максимумом на отрезке [L; R].
2) в дереве отрезков сделаем T[R] = max(T[R], L)
Ну а дальше ответ легко найти динамикой.
Why there isn't any UPD in the blog? Editorial publishment time, Score distribution, Top 5, ...??
My great congratulations to Bredor! ^_^
it would have been fitting if Bredor had become Candidate Master in Round #228. ;)
467C - George and Job was a very nice problem. :)
I solved a b c and d but because of the contest stress I didnt realize that c was actually n^3. If I realized that the code I have written in the contest was n^3 I could easily delete the for loop from the dp function. By problem d because of not using long long I couldnt become div 1 again :(
Can the Java 7 solutions for problem C please be rejudged? Many C++ and Java 8 solutions with similar algos passed without a hitch while Java solutions using long[5002][5002] solutions failed with Memory Limit Exceed. Shouldn't the judging be impartial?
Can you explain, why Java 8 is passing and Java 6/7 not? Thanks
I don't know why its happening. But the submission with java 6/7 (link) fails while Java 8 passes (link)
Waiting for Editorial?
Can someone explain to me why I'm getting TLE on 467C - George and Job with this submission 7843970.
Try Implementing Bottom Up :)
reduce the problem to knapsack 0-1 would work with top down
Please someone help me find the bug in D. Submission — 7845185
your program doesn't handle cycles. consider this case:
Успехи worse не могут не радовать, но может кто-нибудь объяснить, что происходит с пользователем syolo? Если заглянуть в положение, он занимает третье с конца места с одним неудачным взломом... и нулем сданных задач. Вердикт «попытка проигнорирована» — это что?
Внимание на серые цифры неудачных попыток... Как это возможно?
Попытка проигнорированной бывает при перепосылке решения. Ну или если кто-то зашлет решение один-в-один, как твое.
Editorial ?!!
The Editorial will be ready tomorrow.
Soryy, can you help me?? I'm a new one, and i don't know how to give or send my answer to codeforces What should i do??
In the problem page there will be a tab SUBMIT CODE click on it and paste your code, choose the language then press submit.
Can someone help me with my solution... dont know where i am getting wrong. Already tried enough :( http://codeforces.net/contest/467/submission/7845375
so can anyone tell me why generating all possible sums of consecutive m pairs and choosing the top k of them won't work in c ?
Because they may intersect and the problem states that no intersection is allowed
Consider the array:
0 1 1 1 0 0
wherem = 3
andk = 2
. You will choose the the pair(1, 3)
but then you need one more pair of size3
. So this is not going to work.Сегодня я понял важную вещь: сначала решать, потом бухать.
Can somebody explain the other approach for D(without scc).
Many submission seems to be on the line of using priority queue with all starting nodes already pushed in it.
like this here
Though I have solved the problem using SCC and DFS. But I have understood the greedy Solution.
At first give some id to the string. Then if an edge is given like from A to B. Insert a reverse edge to your graph like b->a.
Now use priority queue or just sort the nodes by their 'R' count, and string length as tie breaker.
Then in ascending order run a BFS/DFS to cover all the ancestors of a node (lets say x) with the value of x. If you find a node is already covered ignore it ( so the complexity of running total BFS/DFS will be O(n) ). Why we will cover the ancestors with that value ? Because all of the parents can be converted to that node x and node x does have the lowest cost so far.
And the complexity is O(nlogn + n) = O(nlogn) overall.
Hope you have understood the solution.
Thanks man great idea :)
Hey can anyone explain what "Fedor wants to get an essay which contains as little letters «R» (the case doesn't matter) as possible" this means in problem D? As little letter as possible means what? Can anyone explain with any of the testcase provided? thanks in advance :)
That means that Fedor wants to get an essay which contains minimum number of 'r' or 'R' as a character and case doesn't matter means 'r' and 'R' consider to be same :) In case 2 :
RuruRu fedya
ruruRU fedor
we can replace
where the final essay will befedor fedya
. This essay contains only 1R
and the total length of the essay is 10.Hope it helps :)
I really enjoyed the problems, one of the best Codeforces rounds, but soon after the beginning of the round, Codeforces kept on 'Codeforces in unavailable' for more than 10 minutes. It's sad because hundreds of other coders made submissions for B while I was unable to try. It really should be avoided.
Can someone explain problem E
Задача D, тест как-бы намекает что кто-то играет в доту:
LOLKA намекает все таки на League of Legends.
или я играю в доту (link)...
Этот тест у меня упал :3 ~~~~~ 7 raki vezde est awjgkawkgjn ttttt raki raks 4 raks rks rks raks raki raks vezde pss ~~~~~
Там ещё есть специальный тест для Bredor :D
:) Hello
I have started participating in the contests here, yday I did 2 questions AC but here it shows only 1. Second I did, in three attempts(3rd was AC). But then how in final standings, its showing only one accepted. Even in the last contest, I submitted my sec solution i the last two minutes of the contest. There was a long queue for the judge and my solution was evaluated after the time got over and passed all cases, but wasn't counted in my solutions accepted during the contest.
M i getting wrong somewhere..? Please help!
check your submission history. your code for B failed on test case 15.
Actually any AC during the contest won't mean that your code is right and will pass the test cases.It just means that it have pass the pretests which might be weak.after any contest all of ACs would be rejudged by all of test cases and they might fail at that time. sorry for my poor English.
When will the editorial be up?
I saw someone using the greedy algorithm to solve the problem E. But I don't know how to prove it. Can someone explain it?
Editorial please.
where is the editorial ??
where is editorial link?
Can somebody please explain what is going on with problem C for me. I keep getting out of memory error. I have resorted to copying Java 8 solution of VArtem here: 7829968, and yet I still receive out of memory error, while for him it passed. See my submission here: 9636506 . Can somebody please explain what is happening, I am going out of my mind here?!? By the way, I typically never copy someone else's solution to submit, however I only try after not being able to solve problem for month, and keep thinking about it and no matter what it is out of memory error for me!
where is the tutorial of this contest ?
link =)
It's available only in Russian.