Can anybody help why using the expression :
int x = ((2*b-c)%a) + ((2*b-c) < a) give different answer as compared to :
int x = ((2*b-c)%a!=0) + ((2*b-c) < a)
Problem reference : 1624B - Make AP
What I am trying is that x will be 0 if the 2*b-c is divisible by a and second condition is fulfilled (2*b-c < a) but the solution is accepted when I write a boolean expression and not when I directly use modulo value
A very good question indeed.
The problem with this approach is that p%q can sometimes give negative outputs { just try (-1)%2 }.
In some cases in your solution {(2*b-c)%a)} is negative and {(2*b-c) < a} is positive with same magnitude cancelling out each other giving x=0 which would have have been 1+1=2 when using this {((2*b-c)%a!=0) + ((2*b-c) < a)}.
You can still make the first method work:
If p is negative p%q will lie between -q and 0 no matter how large p is in magnitude, so to get positive result we use ((p%q)+q)%q which will lie between 0 and +q.
So try this:
It will get accepted
That was quite a good point I was missing. Thank you!
No Problem, happy to help