Hello, Coders!
On Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 21:35 IST, the January Short Contest will begin. The contest is open to all students of IIT (ISM) Dhanbad to hone their competitive programming. Here's the Group link if the above link is not working.
The contest will consist of 5–6 problems, crafted to provide a challenging and enriching experience. The problems are not sorted by increasing difficulty, so make sure to read all of them carefully before solving.
You will have 2 hours to solve the problems. The penalty for a wrong submission is equal to 20 minutes, following the ICPC-style scoring.
We remind you that cheating or any form of malpractice, including the use of GPT/AI tools or external assistance, is strictly prohibited. Any such behavior will result in disqualification.
The contest is rated for group members, and your performance in this contest will directly affect your group ratings.
We would like to extend our gratitude:
To CoderAbhi27 for cordinating the round.
To ronister, and me for preparing the problems.
To Dolfun for thoroughly testing the problems to ensure clarity and fairness.
To MikeMirzayanov, for amazing platforms Codeforces and Polygon.
And last but not least, You for participating in the contest.
Good luck to all participants! Sharpen your skills, give it your best, and enjoy the contest.
This contest is organized by the Competitive Coding Club (C3), IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, a group dedicated to promoting competitive programming and problem-solving skills among students.
Even if you’re not a student of IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, you are welcome to participate out of curiosity and enjoy the contest!
See you there!
Congratulations to the Top 5
Contest link?
in the blog
It's not working..
I guess Leelasai_2004 forgot to put register link... Anyway why can I comment once in 10 minutes? Shouldn't Headquarters be able to write any number of comments in 10 minutes? See my profile pic, I'm Headquarters with that black newbie thing.
Link to register.
If this is also not working please join the group using the link given in the blog
coderabhi has already answered.
You need to join the group first. click on this link and click the "join" button to the right. Then, you can register from the provided link.
Whats the point of posting it here if it is only open for students of IIT Dhanbad?
So that others can participant and have fun.
Guess the number of problems :)