Salam Codeforces!
Salam Codeforces!
Salam Codeforces!
The reality of Coders
The Speedster
Solves A and B in five minutes. Spends the rest of the contest staring at C like it’s written in ancient Greek. Competitive programming is fun—until you realize you're stuck with some... interesting competitors. Which one are you?
The Debugging Monk
Submits a wrong answer, meditates for 30 minutes, finds a missing semicolon, and achieves enlightenment.
The Forum Philosopher
Doesn't solve problems but writes long posts on why Codeforces rating is flawed and how luck plays a bigger role than skill.
The Tutorial Addict
Reads editorials before even attempting the problem. Thinks understanding is the same as solving.
The Brute Force Warrior
Writes a 10^6 complexity solution, prays, and submits. Time limit exceeded? "Unfair constraints!"
The One-Test-Wonder
Gets AC on pretests, flexes in the chat, and fails on system tests harder than their last math exam.
The Rating-Obsessed
Cares more about rating than problem-solving. Would rather skip a contest than risk losing points.
The Moral of the Story Stop refreshing ratings, start solving problems, and maybe—just maybe—you’ll stop failing test case 3.
HAHAHAA,Bro this is my story all most and it's also funny please keep posting blogs like this
funny one, i used to be speedster, maybe i am still one.
About the Brute Force Warrior, isn't 10^6 feasible in most cases?
I think i am "The Rating-Obsessed"
ahh, that's funny one
Ii am rating obsessed so I created a new account, as they give more rating in first 5 contest, I will do well in them and hit pupil haha!!
I am currently in Tutorial Addict Realm Can someone guide me ? So I could ascend to The speedster
You forgot the skill issue
They just started CP and struggle to even solve A. They get negative delta on every contest and then they complain that they are stuck at newbie on a blog, which gets downvoted so much that they quit before they get a chance to get gud.
the one AC on pretest then flexes in chat is so reletable xdxd
Where is The AI Copy-Paster?