Блог пользователя NazmulGo

Автор NazmulGo, история, 29 часов назад, По-английски

Which approach is better for improving in competitive programming?

- > Solve problems rating-wise, get stuck, identify the topic, and then learn it.

- > Learn algorithms first, then solve problems topic-wise.

If the second approach is better, what key topics should I master to reach Expert?

Note : My current rank is Pupil.

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29 часов назад, # |
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29 часов назад, # |
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I think first approach is better.Because when you participate in contest like div2 round then you have to solve first a,b and c to reach in expert level quickly.And for solving a,b and c you have a good power of implementing ideas too fastly. there is no need any heavy algorithm to solve a,b and c.

29 часов назад, # |
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Solve problems in your rating or above by 100->200 and if some problem needs a topic that you don't know , then that's a sign that you should learn this topic..

Anyway reaching expert doesn't need many topics but DP and Binary search and some standard topics.

26 часов назад, # |
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