Today I am here to expose cpp200iq for cheating. He recently placed #21 in the last Div 2. contest (Codeforces Round 1007), and it was all due to cheating.
For this contest, he asked his Grandmaster friend to send the solutions during the contest, and he just submitted his friend's solutions. I only know this because he admitted it in one of the competitive programming Discord servers I am a part of. Here are some of the messages he sent:
Please punish him, he thinks he can just get away with cheating!
due to your post, he is finally banned. Good job
ig it's not due to this post. he had already been skipped in 3 contests before, and his 2nd last round was 4th one, so maybe that's why he got banned.
hey, is it carrot extension or something else?
its not working for me from two months
nvm it was removed from chrome, working fine on edge & brave
Kindly not that tiny little cheater should not affect your rating sir. Please be merciful we need college placement sir.
a lot of these tiny little cheater affect rating